Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Churn Dash - June

Somehow I got dragged/pushed/fell into/joined Chooky's SAL to make a Churn Dash Quilt.

I was being quite successful at resisting until a group of us were fabric buying (for our Charity Quilts).  A few were already in or teetering and someone said - "Well they don't take long once they are cut"...mmm...

So, here I am making Churn Dash blocks, and - because there is a deadline/goal to have 1/4 of the blocks finished by June 30th - they are done.

I am using a random selection of prints - from the stash - I bought the background - part of the fabric buying episode mentioned.  I have sashing and triangle fabric which I picked up new at a very very low price.

Here are the block fabrics

We "need to" do 1/4 each month til September - but then only have October to finish it off - that means sashing and setting triangles.   I really need to have a word to Madam Organiser about that ....LOL

Monday, June 27, 2022

Crochet Blocks - June

I was on a mission to finish 25 blocks this month (enough for Maria to make one rug) - didn't quite make it - but got to 19

Quite a stack!!! - All the same at the moment...
like this:

Still have about a ball of each colour so I should be able to finish off another 6.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) - June

I finished these much earlier in the month - but need a post to link up wth Angela's blog.
June's colour was Bright Blue / Dark blue, so I have added one more border... an interesting exercise to go with the green from last month...but they seem to work.

Purple for July - I am sure I can manage that one...but next to the blues???   Oh, I do love a challenge.

Thanks Angela

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Homegrown Quilt - January-June

As noted back here - a group of friends are working on Sue Spargo's Homegrown Quilt.

It seems I haven't posted many pictures of my blocks, so this is a 6 month round-up.

We planned on one block a month, as we all have lots of other projects on the go.

I've left rimming them until I start joining them together 
as some of the hand stitching goes well over the seam line 
and I don't want to cut it off.

Monday, June 20, 2022

FNSI - June

I'm a bit late posting - but as most saw on Facebook - I was there in cyberspace working away

The usual Friday night crocheting for a bit

I'm still working on the Indigenous colors - almost enough for one rug.

Then onto my June house for the Sue Spargo Homegrown quilt.

it's good that I am doing this with friends - it makes me get a block done . . .else it would join the collection of UFOs.  This one needed to be ready for Show & Tell on Sunday - gotta love deadlines!

Happy Sewing all - hope you were productive - or at least enjoyed yourselves!

Thanks Wendy!

Thursday, June 16, 2022

ABC Book - Kim

This is the latest ABC book - this is for the last of my eldest daughter's bridesmaids.
I haven't bound or tied this one together yet - so much easier to photograph it beforehand.




I really struggled to get all the pictures sitting side by side - they are not lined up nicely, but they will have to do.

Now I can start working on the next one - for eldest daugher's #2 bub....I have all the letters and some of the pictures ready to go . . .but I have a few other "on the go" projects...which one first???

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Chookshed Sympathy Party

If you read Chookyblue's blog you will know this weekend is usually an annual Chookshed Party - with real live people gathering at her place - not via Zoom.  They sew and sew and drink and talk and laugh and sew.

BUT it's been so wet there lately - (unlike the years when the drought was so bad) that the road to her place is just not traversable.

So, to buoy her spirits a bit I had a pretend cyber sewing party with her.

Saturday I was out sewing with friends and worked on this Natalie Bird Christmas stitchery - it's a long-term project - but a handy "Go To" project.

Saturday night I finished off the RSC blocks for June  - and took a picture for a post later in the month

and sewed around the pages for the latest ABC book.

Today (after the grocery shopping  . . blah)   I turned the pages inside out - 
ready for hand stitching tonight (Sunday) when I watch the Royal Concert for the Queen's Jubilee

and then I made some more progress on my Churn Dash - that I really really wasn't going to do - but somehow got sucked into it . . . not mentioning any names, (Chooky, Helen, De)

No finished blocks yet. but a lot of HST, a lot of the rectangle pieces and the centre squares are cut.

Happy Chookshed Birthday Chooky!

Friday, June 3, 2022

FNWF - June

Crikey!!!   By this time next month - the year will be half over and we will be celebrating EOFY (End of Financial Year)

Cheryll has kindly gathered us together to sew and share creative projects - all in cyberspace.

Tonight - as usual - some Better Homes & Gardens and crochet - 

a bit of yellow to go then black.

Then off to Susan's Sewing Space - to escape the AFL ruckus - fortunately, Geelong won - though you wouldn't think so by the berating from DH....

I worked on my RSC - the colour/s for June are bright blue or dark blue - I used blue and tried to stick to the correct colour where possible.
Sadly didn't finish all 9 blocks - but 6 are done - 

3 almost done

(It's a bit of an "odd bod" thing really - but somehow I think it's working.)

I am going to trim the blue back - some will end up narrow - some - well who knows?
My vague plan is that the final squares are 20.5" - that is the largest ruler I own . . .so may need to do some narrow strips ... it's very much a "fly by the seat of my pants" thing.

I'm very grateful Cheryll keeps us going for FNWF - it makes me do something other than the lazy go-to project (crochet) and it makes me do a blog post...LOL   🤣

So, pop over here to see what else was buzzing around!  I hope to visit you all over the weekend.