Thursday, June 27, 2024

Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge - #10

My #10 Challenge project was to make the top for this Foundation Paper Pieced pattern.

The plan is that it will have an extra block added to each end and it can then "match" the sewing machine top that I made as my Challenge #9 - here

(Excuse the messy design wall...
this pic was taken at my recent retreat...
and I am not attempting to clean off years of threads...)

Most of you would know that my initials are this is totally appropriate....and it was hard to resist buying the pattern.

It's from QuietPlay

Sunday, June 23, 2024

FNSI - June

Gosh...sewing time again???
I have been sewing almost non stop since Sunday morning - a day at Sunday Stitchers, then on a retreat from Sunday night til Thursday morning

Today I have re-sorted my sewing box that I take to retreats...ready for the next one in August. Not a lot of fun, but necessary!

Onto the sewing....

I was able to finish this piece for My Small World.  I started it at the retreat knowing I had more of the white & coloured fabric at home....well....I didn't have as much as I thought - but was able to eek out what I had to fit.

and although there are other projects I probably should prioritise - I decided to stick with the My Small World FPP...and did this one

Together:..this is what they might look like when all put together.

Next step is to make the sky section.....quite a few1" finished blocks....

Thanks Wendy for organising us, Hope mostly you had a fun & productive night...or day...or weekend???

Friday, June 21, 2024

Sunday Stitchers Retreat - Glenrose

Does this title sound familiar?

Well, yes - it was only last month when I went to the Sunday Stitchers Retreat at Boonah!!!

I feel as if I accomplished more this time...3 full days and a night of sewing.

We arrived Sunday at about 5PM - after a day of Sunday Stitchers Sewing - and got unpacked just before it got dark.

I am happy to say a lot of the things on my list got done.

I had kitted up most of my projects:

and here is what I did do:
The last block in the Back to Nature project from Quiet Play - Frog

And I made some additional blocks that are not part of the released patterns but will help make a good-sized quilt.

All the FPP blocks I have done so far....still need a few more.

I think I will make 20 all up - add sashing and a border.
It will be a charity quilt when done.

Then, because I am in FPP mindset, I made this one.
But I can't show it all - it will be a separate post later.

and these for My Small World:

I also added borders to the central panel for this charity quilt.  I have another blue floral border to add, but it was getting late and I thought it best to wait.

And I finished with a crumb block....trying to use some of the left overs from projects done on retreat.

Everyone happily left their tea bags for me to collect the strings to add to the collection for Jo.

And in case you think all I do is sew, eat, laugh talk and is a gorgeous rosebush that I walked past every morning.

We all had a wonderful time, many thanks to everyone for their camaraderie
 and to Alison for the organising.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

FNWF - June

It won't be long and the year will be half over . . .

I had been doing some applique today on my Sunday Stitchers UFO Challenge wasn't going so Friday night I plonked on the lounge - take away for dinner (the normal Friday night fish & chips) and did some brain needed...

It's hard to tell what is stitched and what isn't, but this was a good coloured thread for the fabrics I am using.

Hope everyone stayed warm - even Brisbane is a little chilly at the moment - and my daughter in Townsville is wearing slippers.... It must be cool there too!) - and got some sort of sewing/crafting done.

Thanks Cheryll for cyber hosting us all.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Sunday Stitchers - UFO Challenge #6 - Completed

The Challenge number for February was #6 - my combination of a few old UFOs.

I had the top finished (here) by the "due date", but it wasn't quilted.

It's been on a little trip to the Quilting Fairy and it's now a FO.

Happy to tick those old UFOS off the list.