Sunday, March 9, 2025

RSC 2025 March - Yellow

Yellow is a hard one for me - I do not have a lot of yellow (or red or orange).  But I raided the strip collection and made two placemats - luckily someone had recently gifted me some fabrics they no longer wanted and there were a few larger yellow pieces so that helped with the backings and bindings of these.

Then I used the left over strips to start on the colourwash blocks.  I had to cut some pieces from my very limited stash of yellow.  I ended up with 24, so it will do for now.


Karen said...

Love your colourwash blocks. Hope you are staying safe with Alfred!

ButterZ said...

2 nice placemats and all those blocks is a good amount of yellow sewing. Nice work

Lin said...

Your blocks look great and the placemats are so sunny and cheerful. xx

Maria said...

You did really well with your yellows…