Whilst DD1 was at High School and involved with the Music program - I made about 200 angels 3 years in a row to sell at school concerts to raise money for the Music Support Group and I started making them as gifts for my sewing buddies, work colleagues and a few others - including my hairdresser, beautician and podiatrist. About 30 I think.
So, the 2002 model was born: - Ribbon
And in 2003: - Star
2004: - Round bauble
2005: This time I made two models - one was made using a silver thimble - just for my sewing group (I only had one at the time)
and the others got a silver bell and ribbon model.
2006: - Doyley - I had done a class at small Craft Fair at Carina Leagues Club
2007: - Half circle
2008: - Felt
2009: - Pearl
2010:- Hexagon
2011: - Flying Angel
2012: - Babushka
2013: - Machine Embroidery
2014 - Paper Clay (I'm up to 60 now - my husband likes to give them to HIS work colleagues..I don't anymore.)
I took this picture at a friend's place - this is the whole collection up until 2015.
2015 - a Button angel
Found on Pinterest - bought a big collection of buttons, used lace painted with gold paint and glitter glue for the wings and a gold flower shaped split pin for the halo.
I had a plan (Plan A) - something I had hiding away...after half an hour on the first one I decided it wasn't for me - well not for 2016 anyway...so I had to hatch another plan - this is plan C. Conceived wandering through the papercraft section of Spotlight.
This year it is a wooden cotton reel in two sizes (the packs I bought had 2 sizes so rather than horde/waste a lot I used both sizes), and wooden beads painted silver. The middles are decorated with various papercraft supplies, the wings are ribbons sewn and glued on.
Sometimes I make a separate purple one for a particular person.
The plan I had didn't eventuate as the major piece of the puzzle is no longer available...but some searching Pinterest found these:
I definitely have a plan - I have already bought the main piece of the requirements list (thanks to Spotlight half price sale on Christmas "things" and a $40 off if you spend $100 deal - they ended up very cheap...now I just need the other half of the project.
But all good plans do not always eventuate as expected, so - still using what I bought late last year or early this (angel buttons) ..... I made yo-yos and added the angels.
Plan for 2020????????????
Do not leave it til late November to start!!!!!!!!!!!
Do not leave it til late November to start!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I learn from the above??? Well only partly - I had a plan - but had not done a prototype - so what happened??? The prototype did not go to plan - so a late decision was made and the 2020 Angel was born.
I do already have a plan for 2021 and I will definitely try one early in the year.
For 2021, I took advantage of the fact that DD1 owns a Cricut - the plan was a 3D model, but the logistics of mailing it out conquered that idea and I decided on a 2D model, cut in a gold/cream paper with some bejeweled add ons.
I had to start planning these early in the year - to be able to save enough thread scraps!
I still haven't learned my lesson - to start the angels earlier in the year . . .!!!!!!
Most of the angels had a round wooden bead for a head - but I decided against paying Australia Post approx $11 for the ones that I mail - so made a button version instead...they were a lot cheaper to post!
Most of the angels had a round wooden bead for a head - but I decided against paying Australia Post approx $11 for the ones that I mail - so made a button version instead...they were a lot cheaper to post!
I had a few ideas for this year. When I went shopping for the body parts, I spied little wooden shapes that looked like "people," so I decided to use those.
I also spied a glittery table runner which was cut to make the wings, some beads for the halos and some sparkles to add.
I was thinking about a tree, but maybe next year when the youngest grandie is a bit older...
Here is a clever idea: (DD1's Sister in Law)
they are just awesome.. such a great idea
Yay, I have them all and in order. Yay
Love them, and the Angel page as an idea, I might make an ornament page.
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