(Excuse the messy design wall...
this pic was taken at my recent retreat...
and I am not attempting to clean off years of threads...)
It's from QuietPlay
Welcome to my blog. I use this blog as a repository of sewing comments, pictures and sometimes general chit chat!
Gosh...sewing time again???
I have been sewing almost non stop since Sunday morning - a day at Sunday Stitchers, then on a retreat from Sunday night til Thursday morning
Today I have re-sorted my sewing box that I take to retreats...ready for the next one in August. Not a lot of fun, but necessary!
Onto the sewing....
I was able to finish this piece for My Small World. I started it at the retreat knowing I had more of the white & coloured fabric at home....well....I didn't have as much as I thought - but was able to eek out what I had to fit.
Together:..this is what they might look like when all put together.
Thanks Wendy for organising us, Hope mostly you had a fun & productive night...or day...or weekend???