Wednesday, January 1, 2025

A New Year . . .A New Project?????????????

If you read my previous post with 10 items for each of two separate challenges, you might think I had plenty to do....and if you looked at the list of "Planned Projects for 2025" you would be certain I have more than enough . . .but what happened today???
I spied a temperature cross-stitch - with a tree!!!

Now, I am a sucker for trees and houses and I have always wanted to do a temperature project - even though our temperatures don't vary widely .  . .so down the rabbit hole I went.

It just so happens I had some Aida in an oaty colour that seemed right...(trying to buy as little as possible) and I have the threads, so after a bit of sorting and cutting lengths of I went.

The pattern has one leaf per day and one color for each group of two degrees.  I'm pretty sure I will use the maximum temperature each day - that is generally between 16 and 33 - so I have allocated each day to one degree.

I started tonight and will work on the trunk downwards and the January branch before adding the leaves.

I plan to make this my FNWF and FNSI project.