Tuesday, May 28, 2024

RSC - May

I am running a bit behind this month....lots to keep me busy including almost a week away on retreat.

But "Done & Dusted" as they say.

These look a little dull, but really are quite bright.
I have quite a school of fish now....but plenty still to do.


Maria said...

Lovely PINK fish to join the school.

Chookyblue...... said...

Oh those are pretty......

www.self-sufficientsam.blogspot.com said...

Those are so cute!!! A whole school you say? Good for you!

loulee said...

It's going to be a very colourful school of fishies.

Lin said...

So pink fish turned out OK then! x

Jeanna said...

I really like the fabrics in these blocks.

dq said...

Still loving your fish and mine too! Yours inspire me as I usually put them off until the end of the month.

Anonymous said...

Love your your fishies