Thursday, September 28, 2023

Retreat at Glenrose with the Gypsys

I took one for the team - a friend was one person short to make the minimum number of guests at Glenrose, so I helped out by attending..   Sounds like I am doing someone a favour...

I made this little quilt - it's only 10" square.  My rainbow collection from last FNSI worked out OK. 

I managed one crumb block in between other projects.  Made from leftovers from projects I and the others were working on.

I had planned on my last two houses for My Kinda Town - I had sorted the fabrics, labelled them, added notes . . .and I took the pattern - but I had forgotten to copy onto newsprint paper.  So I re packed it for another time...   😞

Instead I put 42 string blocks together - the blocks were made by Nor and cut by Lynda

I made the rows for the black red & white string blocks that I have been making over the last few months. but ran out of time to finish it off.

We had a "Mystery Project".  All 6 of us made a bag:

I made a few other small things - but it's "Secret Squirrel" stuff.  So in a later post.

I had a great time - all very late nights (~ 1:00 AM finishes).
Thankyou so much Alison for inviting me!

Thursday, September 21, 2023

SIMS Birthdays 2023

Our little SIMS group (Susan Inca Maureen & Sue) meets monthly and do Birthdays by going out for lunch and giving a small gift.

This year we decided we would each make a postcard using "Nature" as the theme.
Inca received hers in April

This month it is time to give Maureen her Birthday Postcard and treat her to lunch.   We decided to eat in this time, so Sue & I brought food along....and a little bottle or two!

This is the postcard I made for Maureen.

This is the group of 3

Sunday, September 17, 2023

FNSI - September

When you don't work, it's hard to decide when Friday Night starts, but for some of the later part of the day I was finding some fabrics for a proposed rainbow sort of project.  I plan to work on this at my next retreat - which is from next Sunday.  (yes, a new project!!!)

When that was done & packed away with the necessary other fabrics and tools, I settled down to the hand sewing of the binding on this baby quilt.

Thanks, Wendy for the group hugs - it keeps us motivated!

It seems none of my comments go through to the email system of the blog owner, so I will just keep commenting - when I get to it.  It seems to be a common problem.   DRATS!
At least I still get my comments in my email.

Monday, September 11, 2023

FNWF - September

Ooops - very late post.

I am having a few blogger problems (seems to be common) and I stopped visiting blogs and commenting...and didn't post for FNWF for a similar reason.  The problem isn't resolved - I know a lot of people are not getting emails to show that a comment has been added....very annoying.

BUT - for the record I did sew on Friday Night With (Cyber) Friends....

and I am happy to say - it is nearly finished!!  

A belated thank you to Cheryll