Sunday, February 25, 2018

February Finish (OPAM)

Whilst it's been a busy month for me - it was only a short one!!! LOL

I was going to be visiting my God Daughter (in Sydney) and handing over the baby quilt I had made for her second child - Harvey (here).
Almost at the last minute I saw something and thought it would make a good present for the older one - a girl.  Luckily she has a short name.

As they say - never work with children and animals.  Miss Zoe didn't want to smile after I got my camera ready - so this is the best I could get of the two of them on the new quilt.

I produced the stars on the "Monster Machine".  
I had thought to give it a cutesy name but I think "Monster Machine" is working well for me.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Skyline quilt

Last Sunday - at Sunday Stitchers - I took along my Project #12.  

I wasn't able to get it finished in time..there has been a lot happening...but when this number was drawn out last month - I had a top with no side borders.  So I have managed to add the borders, pin it, quilt the vertical lines and most of the horizontal lines (apart from where I want it to be the aqua thread), bound it and have started to fill in the night sky with stars.

I want to add a moon and many more stars, but a few people have commented on it and I thought I'd show you the "in progress" shots.

The quilt is based on a pattern in  Tula Pink's 100 Modern Quilt Blocks book.   I've adapted it to fit existing hangers and spaces on my walls.

a sample of the night time stars....many more to be added....

Not great photos - I will get better ones when I'm finished.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

FNWF - February

Who needs an excuse to sew??   Not me - but it's fun to know a whole pile of us are doing the same.

Friday Night was some hand stitching while watching some Better Homes & Gardens.

and then I got stuck into some quilting - this is Project #12 for my UFO List   - thought I better get a move on.
I cannot get a photo that shows the colour - its a dark charcoal grey - so just the back for now:

And to top it off Saturday was Loose Threads day and I worked on a few more blocks for Ruth's Quilt..only a few to go now.

Hopefully some more sewing tonight - tomorrow I better get a bit domestic   😡

Thanks again Cheryll