Monday, March 17, 2025

Sunday Stitchers - UFO Challenge 2025 - #9 - Three vases Cross Stitch

I got very flexible with my UFO Challenge list for March....Originally #9 was "Token Quilt - Progress"...but I decided that was a big ask . . . .so I swapped it to My Small World - Finish"
- which meant pinning and then quilting it.... should be OK I thought.....
There were a few distractions .. . and I had a string of meetings and such out of the house . ..still plenty of time I thought....THEN it was predicted that we could get Tropical Cyclone Alfred landing on us . . . .so some preparation was needed . . . I put it aside....

On the 9th of March I decided, it wasn't going to happen so I swapped my #9 again . . progress on the 3 Vases Cross Stitch would have to do...

Here is where I got to last time - & funnily enough it was project #9 last year - it was meant to be!!!

and now it's looking like this:
It's a bit like "Spot the Difference"!!!   LOL

Stitching the pink flower is tedious as the pattern is only in black and white and it is hard to discern the backstitch lines from the chart and symbols.....the stitching in the background is far more pleasurable...Anyway some progress was made , . . . on it goes...
More may happen later this year...

Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Fortunately, Tropical Cyclone Alfred turned into a Tropical Low before it really hit our area, though a lot of SE Qld has had damage, power loss, etc. At one point, over 300,000 customers were without power, some for days. Luckily, our power loss was short-lived—only 12 hours—so there was no food loss and no major inconvenience.
We had put bags of water in place along the doors leading to our pergola area in the hope of preventing any buildup of water seeping under the doors....

For those overseas...this cyclone could have been named Anthony - but Alfred was chosen instead.
We are due for Federal Elections very soon - our current Prime Minister is Anthony was decided to use Alfred for this one "avoid confusion". 
I suspect it was more like - so that the combination "Anthony &/or Cyclone" couldn't be used together....LOL
Whichever party wins, we won't end up in the mess that another country has...not mentioning any names.


Maria said...

Some progress on the vase is better than none.
Pleased you survived “Alfred.”

Lin said...

Your vase is very pretty. So glad Alfred calmed down. xx

ButterZ said...

So happy you got out of this one safely

Jeanna said...

Glad that the storm wasn't too bad for you. That cross stitch piece is so pretty.

Janet O. said...

It is a really pretty project, and I do see progress, if that counts. :)
We were further south in Australia and watching the news with interest and concern for our friends. So relieved that it was downgraded, even though a Tropical Low is still nothing to sneeze at.
Yeah, we do have such a mess here. I can barely stand to read the news.

kiwikid said...

Great progress on your vase project. Great the cyclone was down graded and that you were not without power for too long. We have some not in power party members who think the politics in the US is good and should be followed, which is scary!