Tuesday, July 30, 2024

RSC - July

The end of the month is here….time to post the aqua fish to add to the pond.

Now to check the colour for August…..Orange!


Jeanna said...

Great looking fish. I love the purple background.

Lin said...

Nice ones Susan. xx

dq said...

I really love these fish even though Janice is seeing prons. I have not started my aqua ones yet - a little behind.

loulee said...

Cute fishies. You must have quite a shoal by now.

Maria said...

Great aquas to add to your collection. As I’m seeing all the fish now I wish I’d started 🤔

kiwikid said...

Very nice fish.

Janice said...

Looking good. The Teal is much better for them than aqua.

Fiona said...

loving the stripey fish blocks... keeping up well with them

Chookyblue...... said...

Happy fish