Thursday, March 9, 2023

Sunday Stitchers - Sisterhood project

A while back, the Sunday Stitchers group (well a number of us...the NON BORING ones...) decided to take part in a group swap project.  We had two groups of friends - and each person had to make 8 identical blocks - one to keep and 7 to give.  We were to then turn it into a finished item of our choice.

The project that we chose was this one:

We set some rules - the backgrounds were to be low volume - white, the dress was something that represented us...and we added our names.

So I made my blocks - we swapped them late last year   (November maybe???) and by the February meeting, we were to have the finished project done.

I've been wanting a larger bag to take to SS for a while, so decided my block should become the new bag.  and I had some "Paris Cats" fabric that was just sitting used it to make the bag.

I added the tag that was attached to my last SS bag - it reads:

Mess with my bag
and I'll
Rip Your Seams Out.


Jeanna said...

What a great idea! I love your bag and the tag is hilarious.

Janice said...

What an appropriate block. Your bag was a great way to showcase it.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Susan oh I love your bag and it was lovely to see all the projects in person,it was such a wonderful idea,well done 🌹🤍🌹

loulee said...

Lovely block and a great way to use it.
I had a laugh at your tag.

Lin said...

What a great block to share with friends and the bag looks nice and capacious! xx

Susan said...

Thats a great idea!

Fiona said...

Great use of your sisters block.... it was fun to do.... I love your tag too.... haha


jude's page said...

Love the sisters block, very appropriate and great to use to make the bag.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Love your sisters block and fab idea to make a bag for SS...Giggling over your tag lol!

ButterZ said...

That’s a great way to use your blocks.

kiwikid said...

Great block and I promise I will NOT mess with your bag!!

Chookyblue...... said...

Yippee I'll get to see your new bag......