Thursday, December 29, 2022

Milo's Christmas Stocking

Back in 2019 , I made stockings for DD1 - Libbie - her husband Serge & son Luka.

Now that it is a family of 4 I needed to make another one....Just as well I had more fabric from the same range - and I kept good notes about the embroidery font & size that I'd used.

I might have enough fabric in case there are more additions . . .just saying . . .though I think 2 is a good number.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sunday Stitchers Christmas Party

This year we rented a space at Vend - it's a collection of stalls where hand crafters sell their goods.  Always lots of treasures to find.

For our fun - we had to fill a bon bon as a present for each other and we had to make a stocking to a pattern that was provided and add a pair of tongs (to use next year at SS so we are COVID safe when selecting food).

I made this stocking and added a pair of black tongs.
Inca received this.

I received this very decorative one from Helen

My bon-bon came from Sue and included a fat quarter, an unpicker, a pen, a Snickers (treat) and a cross-stitched caravan decoration

I forgot to take a picture of my bon-bon - life is too busy!! - but I included a fabric for stitching, a red pen that also doubles up as a stylus, some little chocolates, a purple unpicker and a small cross-stitched decoration (similar to the one I received).

Other gifts were exchanged:
  • knitted stocking from Maria
  • tape measure and fold up scissors from Anita and Juanita
  • small cross-stitch pillow decoration - with an angel from Alison
  • hexagonal coaster and chocolate from Inca
  • small notebook from Lynda
  • hexagonal decoration from Sue
  • Ferrer Rocher chocolates from Cheryl
  • box of Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels from De - very yummy
  • round scrap bucket from Marilyn
  • skein of thread from Helen
  • enamel pin from Sandi

Maria also gave me a separate present for making the crochet blocks this year.  Lindt chocolates - never say No to good chocolate - and a lovely melamine plate - I will take it to SS next year for my morning tea.   I might need to keep an eye out for a new cup to go with it.

Thanks to all the members of this group for a fun year, and lots of interesting conversations. 
It's been a tough year for some - so I hope 2023 is less stressful for them and happy & enjoyable for all of us.

We haven't done an official UFO Challenge list in 2022 - but as I now have more free time (sneaking in the news that I have now retired) - I plan a "UFO - Finishes" list and a "UFO - Progress On" list.  

SIMS Christmas Get Together

My SIMS group met for our Christmas / Year End get together

We exchanged gifts and I forgot to take a photo of my gift!  oops - my bad!!!

I gave everyone a leaf-shaped mug rug - I took the easy way out and bought them from a friend - and a small bottle of Heaven Scent.
This is similar to the ones I gifted.

Inca gave us a bowl with chocolates and a small jigsaw puzzle.

Maureen gave us each a notebook with our initial on it

Sue gave me a piece of sashiko fabric - marked ready to sew a daisy-like pattern, some beautiful pins from Japan and a charm (to use as a zipper pull)   I have been eyeing off the daisy pattern that Lynda has been stitching, so - in the New Year I will get the threads and do it.

We also had a challenge . . . .(well, why not???)
Last Year Maureen gave each of us a small fabric rectangle showing a sleigh filled with presents - and we were to make something with it.

I decided on a wall hanging and to make it a real SIMS project - I asked Inca and Sue to donate some pieces of Christmas fabric.  I made the tree and the "window" up the top from those offerings.

I have been meaning to make a tree from squares for ages so this kind of satisfies that urge.

It's a shame the colour is a bit dull
and this is the section of the fabric that I used.

It was a fun challenge - not too hard.

We've had a great year together and are looking forward to next year 
for more fun - chatting and sewing.

Friday, December 16, 2022

FNSI - December - Snow Globes 2021 and 2022

It's our last get-together for 2022.   😞

A huge thanks to Wendy for keeping us on our toes and encouraging us to show what we work on. .even if it s just a bit...It's great that she can gather us on blogs or on FaceBook...or both.

Tonight I finished off these two decorations - these are actually for 2021 when I missed making them . . .

and a day or so ago I had made three for 2022 

2019 and 2020 are here.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

2022 Angel

The 2022 Angel

This time I knew roughly what I was going to do at the beginning of the year so started saving threads:

and came up with these:

In the end I had to create thread scraps  . . .LOL

Now at least my friends know why I was scavenging them!

Friday, December 9, 2022

Christmas Advent Swap

Sometime, in the early part of the year, bestie friend suggested we do an Advent Swap - so 25 little gifts to be exchanged late November.   Sounded like a fun idea.

The 1st of December was a Thursday (non-working day) and I was free to have some late afternoon drinks and dinner at her place when we handed over our gifts.

Being the practical person I am I placed my wrapped gifts in an insulated Christmas shopper bag.

And we could open one present each.

Maureen selected the rainbow spatula and cookie cutter

and I selected this:
I do have several books here that I want to read - but I just don't get to them - but I have started this and will keep reading til it's done.

I wonder what other treasures are hidden in my bag??

I will do a post in January with what was in each present.....

We message each other at 7.30am to show what we opened - its is a lot of fun - selecting which one is next and then the surprise of the contents.