Thursday, April 30, 2020

Crochet blocks March & April

Normally I hand over the collection of crochet blocks each month to Maria at the Sunday Stitchers' Gathering.  I didn't take them in March as Maria wasn't going to be there and of course we didn't have an April meeting, so they have been piling up  . . .

Since it is now past the end of April I thought I would bundle these up and record the tally.  This is really only for my reference.

I have 35 blocks.

6 of these came from the yarn given to me by Inca....thanks Inca


Fiona said...

excellent number of blocks... how many are used in each blanket...

Michelle Ridgway said...

That's a goodly number Susan well done x

Maria said...

A fabulous pile of blocks to hand over to Maria WHEN you can get together again....

Janice said...

Go you!

Bethan said...

Such an excellent number of blocks - and very neat piles! x