Of all the retreats I go to - it is by far the prettiest venue and the best suited to sewing.
I was able to put together the blocks I completed in the Gail Pan "Send My Love" BOM for 2018.
In all there were 36 blocks, but I chose to do only 32 and I liked the layout of Ruth's Quilt so much I copied it for this one. As there are a number of design walls at Glenrose - it was an idea opportunity to lay out where all the fabric and stitcheries were going and to try to balance it. (with some input from the others...)
I had prepped a lot of blocks for My Small World. The hot air balloon is not part of the pattern, however I'd seen one on the Instagram group I am following and had to buy the pattern . . .
The "Plan" for the IG group is a set number of blcoks per month - so this finishes almost all of the blocks for Month 2 (mid October - mid November) and is a good start on Month 3 (mid November - mid December).
My next step is to start laying them out so I can see how the colours are going...and I may start working in sections from this point on - which is what a lot of the others are now doing...
And I made one baby quilt top. (I did have a second one but didn't make a lot of progress on that one.)
There was some shopping time . . .some eating out time . . . .and of course some eating in time.
I made a Brie Twist - well with a few changes...LOL...I used a Camembert and instead of tomato chutney I used Baxters Date Fig & balsamic chutney - gorgeous stuff even by itself.

Thanks to the Tuesday Girls for inviting me along.
Sounds like you had a great time. xx
Great to go on retreat and looks like it was very productive...
Looks like you had a lovely productive time away
Your quilt looks wonderful and glad you enjoyed your time. That Brie twist looks delish!
It's ALWaYs fun at retreats... & you achieved a lot while doing all that chatting eating & drinking... xox
So good for you to go to the retreat, you got a lot of lovely work done.
What a lovely way to spend the week. You were really productive too. Bonus!
How lovely to get away and have so much fun! The twist looks yummy!!!xx
All your pieces are so colourful. I especially love the blues in your first piece. I'm glad you had a great time x
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