Thursday - a small & quiet sewing get together...and some presents for me!!
Friday - out for dinner - and some presents for me!!
Saturday - a Sewing get together - and some presents for me!! (and others)
Sunday - a Sewing get together - and some presents for me (and others)
Well, it was my Birthday - and early Christmas swaps etc...
Here is some of what I got from Thursday./ Saturday
Sunday was Sunday Stitchers
a few "extra" little gifts were shared...
These little surprise gifts are always special - especially since they are unexpected and made with a lot of love.
I've decided I really need a "tree" this year.....I haven't worried lately as my girls are all grown up and there are no littlies around - and we have a cat who is just going to love to try to climb it...but this year I going to try to find a big branch or similar just so I can hang all these special decorations.
..and my gorgeous table runner from Noela - my swap partner.
(its going to look great on the dining table)
...and a decoration
...and a cute reindeer container - it did have chocolates in it - but I think DH & DD2 have had a share...not many left now.....
It was also time for me to receive birthday fat quarters from everyone - Wow! what a great collection

Then it was time for us to reveal our Row-a-longs:
too many for one shot - De, Marilyn & Noela
and me, Maree & Debbie
a close up of mine....(just because....)
Most of us still have some work to do on them..Maree finished hers - even quilted but the rest of us seem to have other things to it's on my Christmas To Do list (I do need a 6 month break to catch up but...maybe not...)
Phew - what a least there is a bit of a break until the next Christmas party.