Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sew It's Finished - July

Just finished my project for July for Sew It's Finished.  No rush about this project.

I knew I started this cross stitch a LONG time ago - but when I was talking with a work mate the other day - she said "Oh I remember you sewing that - before I left to have DD2".  Well DD2 is now 8 - so I finished the cross stitch part (except for the words and hair highlights) in 2004.

The original wording was "A Wild Wonderful Wacky Woman Lives Here"  but it doesn't really suit our entrance area in the house - but it's going to look great in my Sewing Space.

The pattern is 1331 - Wacky Woman Designed by Diane Arthurs from Imaginating
PS For those who don't know - my surname is Wild -makes this even more appropriate. And I hardly changed the colours - that's unusual for me.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jenny's Giveaway

Pop over to Jenny's blog - Jenny of ELEFANTZ..  She does the most adorable stitchery designs and now has almost 1900 followers.  If you go over there - enter the give away - you could win one of 3 prizes  and if you mention my name in your comment I win a prize too!  Can't  beat that.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My First July Give-away Win

I have won two Give-aways this month - lucky me!!
The first one has arrived - it was from Sew Its Finished and is a charm pack.  Go here to get the info.

The second one won't be here for a bit - its coming from the USA.
How very exciting!!

PS:They say Good Things come in 3's . .  there's still time to win one more thing!!! Maybe Lotto??

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Progress on SKOW

Friday night I cut more 1.5" squares for my SKOW - it seemed that I cut oodles of them.
Saturday (today) - I sewed oodles of 1.5" squares - but I still have oodles left!

But I have the sets of little squares joined to their big blocks and most of the rows put together.
I still have the sewing block to finish off - though its 2/3rd done and the joining strips to do.
I am going to take off the last strip - after row 2 and use it up the other way in another place. I just can't live with the 2 pink stripes where they are now and its only sewn on one side so no biggie to 'reverse sew 61.5 inches'!!!

This photo is missing the butterflies but just use your imagination!

I'm really loving this quilt!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sunday Sewing - Close Ups

I was asked for some close ups - I was able to grab a couple of pictures in the daylight - though unfortunately not as sunny as I would have liked.
Hope these help.

Its not quilted yet - someone else will be doing that and another person the binding.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Sewing

My Best Sewing Mate (I'm just going to call her BSM from now on) and I got together today for a mini - sewathon - or as we called it a "Retreat" warm up.  I sent the husband and daughter out for the day to watch AFL down the coast so we had the place to ourselves.
After a coffee we made a start and by the end of the day (6pm or so) the quilt top was all done.
It's to celebrate two things for one person and I don't really want to say much more at this stage... in case...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fine Dining

I would not normally post photos of food here on my blog - but for a special occasion I am making an exception.

To celebrate the first anniversary of my daughter and SIL's wedding, we joined them and his parents at Baguettes (a well known French restaurant where they had their reception last year).  Its hard to believe its been 12 months!.
Here is my entrée - Baked Camembert

 My main - salmon - can never resist salmon if its on the menu

 and my dessert - rhubarb & pear crumble 

Great food - exceptional service and lots of happiness.