I am always telling myself that I must finish some UFOs before I start something new - but then along comes a great idea and I am off again - so I have decided to join in the Sew have you finished it? project. A look at my side bar will give you an idea of some of my UFOs but over the next few days I will make a proper list, prioritise it and organise myself. I still have a week off work and I had already decided I was gong to get things cut & ready to sew or traced ready to stitch. This is the hardest thing I find time to do while I am working.
I suspect I will end up with a shopping list of "extras" but hopefully not too much - thin waddings and bag bits will most likely be there.
From there I will just have to shut my eyes and NOT buy magazines - (after all they ARE only $3-$4 if you buy a pack of three!!!!).
Please leave me a comment if you come visiting!
Welcome to my blog. I use this blog as a repository of sewing comments, pictures and sometimes general chit chat!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
A Giveaway
The lovely Vicki Tucek who used to be Tozz'z Corner and is now ‘The Pickledish Patch’ is having a huge giveaway - over at her blog. These are the goodies - including hand grown and dried lavendar:
And she has a great new banner to show off her new name:
and to top it off she is starting a free BOM in January - called Out of the Box. You will be able to go there form my side bar. But here is the clue:
Wow - a great start to the new year to win these goodies - thanks Vicki.
And she has a great new banner to show off her new name:
and to top it off she is starting a free BOM in January - called Out of the Box. You will be able to go there form my side bar. But here is the clue:
Wow - a great start to the new year to win these goodies - thanks Vicki.
Monday, December 20, 2010
A Christmas Giveaway!!
Found a fantiastic Christmas giveaway - here. Some absolutely gorgeous fabbrics. And look at her more recent posts to find a lovely famly photo and an interesting tale of how they got there - I am sure most of us can relate to her story!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Same Girl - New Name
I have just been over to Vicki's blog - it was Tozz's Corner - but she has renamed herself and is now The Pickledish Patch - and she has a website . But also she is starting a Free BOM on 5th January - and if you go here you can read all about what you need to start.
Oh sew many projects - sew little time!
Oh sew many projects - sew little time!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Just relaxing on the computer - blogging around!
I have had such a tiring few days - a work Christmas party, Daughter #1's 21st Birthday party at home - for approx 70 people - and it rained a lot - and of course tidying up afterward - today. I have not touched any sewing for days but was just too pooped to even think about it today, so I thought I would sit for a while and blog.
So I checked Shirley who is making quilts for the family members of the miners who died in NZ - she has plenty now so I will wait for the next call to help before I make any more.
Then I went "travelling" and found a clever tutorial to use an old metal tape measure (the handyman type) - and although I don't think we have one we don't need anymore - perhaps I can buy my husband a new one for Christmas and then use his old one for a very useful idea! Well I think its useful.
I will be off to bed now so I can get back into sewing - still have some little angels to put together and our Christmas cards to be sent.
Cheers everyone
So I checked Shirley who is making quilts for the family members of the miners who died in NZ - she has plenty now so I will wait for the next call to help before I make any more.
Then I went "travelling" and found a clever tutorial to use an old metal tape measure (the handyman type) - and although I don't think we have one we don't need anymore - perhaps I can buy my husband a new one for Christmas and then use his old one for a very useful idea! Well I think its useful.
I will be off to bed now so I can get back into sewing - still have some little angels to put together and our Christmas cards to be sent.
Cheers everyone
Monday, November 29, 2010
What makes me feel Happy, Melancholy & Helpful
This weekend I watched Daughter #1 be a bridesmaid for one of her good friends. After a stressful few weeks of exams, her Birthday, attending to late issues that needed to be organised for and on behalf of the bride before the BIG day - on Tuesday she came out in a rash all over her face!! Drama drama - off the the Docs for some ointment and by Saturday it was almost under control - though still a bit red on her upper chest. (and another of the bridesmaids caught her little toe on a lounge last weekend and was very badly bruised and very sore, though was still able to get her foot into the high heels on the day!)
Here is one photo of her and her boyfriend:
The recent news from New Zealand where a small town is suffering after the deaths of 29 miners trapped underground.
I have made 29 heart blocks to send to Shirley.. She is making quilts for the families of the miners who were lost. You can go here to read more about it and join in if you like.
I used a variety of prints and heart shapes:
I do hope that the quilts will bring some comfort to the families.
This weekend I watched Daughter #1 be a bridesmaid for one of her good friends. After a stressful few weeks of exams, her Birthday, attending to late issues that needed to be organised for and on behalf of the bride before the BIG day - on Tuesday she came out in a rash all over her face!! Drama drama - off the the Docs for some ointment and by Saturday it was almost under control - though still a bit red on her upper chest. (and another of the bridesmaids caught her little toe on a lounge last weekend and was very badly bruised and very sore, though was still able to get her foot into the high heels on the day!)
Here is one photo of her and her boyfriend:
and another of the whole bridal party.
The recent news from New Zealand where a small town is suffering after the deaths of 29 miners trapped underground.
I have made 29 heart blocks to send to Shirley.. She is making quilts for the families of the miners who were lost. You can go here to read more about it and join in if you like.
I used a variety of prints and heart shapes:
I do hope that the quilts will bring some comfort to the families.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Hearts for Myra
While visiting Carla's blog, I found a request to make a 6.5" block for a lady in New Zealand who is making a quilt for a friend who is dealing with cancer. I have made one block - based on one of Jenny of Elefantz's designs (all of which are lovely). You can find Jenny's blog here. If you are interested in participating go here for details.
Here is my very simple block:
Here is my very simple block:
Monday, September 6, 2010
A Project in Progress
I have been working on a project - see my sidebar for a clue!
I am ready to post some photos of some of the blocks. But I have to keep some of them under wraps. Those who are also doing the same "Freebie" will recognize it - the others will need to wait! (Sorry)
I am ready to post some photos of some of the blocks. But I have to keep some of them under wraps. Those who are also doing the same "Freebie" will recognize it - the others will need to wait! (Sorry)
The background fabric is beige with printed words - such as "love & affection", "life & good health" "home and family", "grace and honor" (pity about the US spelling!) so I felt it quite appropriate for the words - that I can't show you - yet!
I am using Anchor Variegated thread #1349 - shades of blue - ranging from aqua to deep purple. And I am happy to say "I am up to date"!!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Retreat 2010
Well the 2010 retreat is finished. Dates have been booked and it's too early to start counting how many sleeps til 2011! We had a fantastic time - sewing, eating, laughing, eating, chatting, eating, sewing, eating etc. The weather was beautiful - we have been so lucky every year when we go - clear sunny skies, not too hot days, lovely cold nights.
We arrived early Friday morning and unpacked and setup. Off to the pub for a group hug and lunch. Not to mention a few jokes with the hotel bosses and the purchase of a dozen free range eggs for most of us.
Back to our venue and sewing by 2pm Friday.
I didn't take as many photos as I should have - was I too busy sewing?? - but I took a few towards the end.
We had a "To Do" board. Everyone had their own pad of "post it" notes - little flowery ones. For each project that they had brought along, they wrote out a slip and stuck it on the "To Do" side of the board. The idea was to move the project to the "Done" side as they finished it (or it finished them because of the lack of some essential ingredient!). Each time someone 'made the move' there was a little celebration and a round of clapping for the Show & Tell". It was NOT a competition - since some people had lots of little projects and some (like me) had large projects. It was all in fun!
Here is a picture of the board well into the retreat!
We arrived early Friday morning and unpacked and setup. Off to the pub for a group hug and lunch. Not to mention a few jokes with the hotel bosses and the purchase of a dozen free range eggs for most of us.
Back to our venue and sewing by 2pm Friday.
I didn't take as many photos as I should have - was I too busy sewing?? - but I took a few towards the end.
We had a "To Do" board. Everyone had their own pad of "post it" notes - little flowery ones. For each project that they had brought along, they wrote out a slip and stuck it on the "To Do" side of the board. The idea was to move the project to the "Done" side as they finished it (or it finished them because of the lack of some essential ingredient!). Each time someone 'made the move' there was a little celebration and a round of clapping for the Show & Tell". It was NOT a competition - since some people had lots of little projects and some (like me) had large projects. It was all in fun!
Here is a picture of the board well into the retreat!
Still a lot to do - and not all of them got moved over!
Oh - by the way that little bit on the bottom left was an exercise chart - you know - eye exercises, arm stretching. Did we do it??? NO - we should have but somehow it just never happend. But I have a cunning plan for next year . . . .
My main focus for the retreat was to make 2 blue & cream quilts. I did that - made the two tops and got one almost quilted. I was happy enough with that . Here is one as a Work in Progress.
Here is another picture that perhaps does not need any explanation!!
All in all we had a great time.
I think everyone was very happy with what they achieved and we all got on together so well.
Since I have come home, I have finished the first quilt - its quilted and bound, though it does need a label. A picture soon.
Now onto my next project - counting how many sleeps to the next one??
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Retreat 2010 minus 2 days
Ony 2 sleeps to go and preparations are well under way. Really I could have / should have started cutting weeks ago - but I work best under pressure!
Here are the strips all cut - still need to cut a lot of squaes - hopefully my maths is OK and I will end up with the right number plus some spares. Plans are for two quilts - each 10 rows of 10 squares - 6.5" sqaures and no borders. We will see how I go.
And here is a little picture of our paradise for a few days:
Here are the strips all cut - still need to cut a lot of squaes - hopefully my maths is OK and I will end up with the right number plus some spares. Plans are for two quilts - each 10 rows of 10 squares - 6.5" sqaures and no borders. We will see how I go.
And here is a little picture of our paradise for a few days:
Thursday, July 29, 2010
My Annual Retreat is Nearly Here!!!
Remember counting sleeps til Christmas morning?? - well I am almost at the counting sleeps til I go away for 4 gorgeous days of eating, sewing, sleeping - but mainly sewing - I can always sleep when I get home!
And before that I have a week off work - to get ready - lots of cuttimg to do beforehand. I have the music organised - about 80 hours of old pop, some new , some jazz. My machine has been serviced. I have new blades for my rotary cutter and spare needles I have a list of what to take - just so I dont forget soemthing really important -- like the batting for the quilts I hope to get to pinned stage. And of course we all take at least 6 weeks worth of sewing - after all we might get flooded in, or snow bound (in Queensland, Australia - very highly unlikely!) or some other disaster that we can only hope for!!
The venue is gorgeous, the food fantastic and all too plentiful and the accomodtion is luxurious.
I promise to take photos and post some of my achievements (or attempts).
So in 2 weeks time I will be packed and ready for an early start on Friday!!!
And before that I have a week off work - to get ready - lots of cuttimg to do beforehand. I have the music organised - about 80 hours of old pop, some new , some jazz. My machine has been serviced. I have new blades for my rotary cutter and spare needles I have a list of what to take - just so I dont forget soemthing really important -- like the batting for the quilts I hope to get to pinned stage. And of course we all take at least 6 weeks worth of sewing - after all we might get flooded in, or snow bound (in Queensland, Australia - very highly unlikely!) or some other disaster that we can only hope for!!
The venue is gorgeous, the food fantastic and all too plentiful and the accomodtion is luxurious.
I promise to take photos and post some of my achievements (or attempts).
So in 2 weeks time I will be packed and ready for an early start on Friday!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A Giveaway!
Jenny of ELEFANTZ is giving some lovely fabrics and pattern away to celebrate her daughters Birthday!
Pop on over to her blog and see what is happening.Her daughter gets to read all the "Comments" and check all our blogs to make sure we are talking about Jenny! - Poor girl - last I checked there were over 350 comments - hope she doesn't have any school projects due soon!
Thanks so much Jenny for being so creative and generous!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Homespun Magazine No 84 - Volume 11 #5
Finally this issue of Homespun is out - well I have a copy - so it should be in the shops soon. They have published quilts from 12 different quilters. (including me - though they used my Maiden name - Susan Bradman). There are so many interesting tales included - its a good read!. Well done to everyone who got their quilt done in time!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I won!
I entered a Challenge last year - and Won!!!
The challenge was to make a TV Remote Control Holder based on the pattern supplied by Faeries in My Garden as part of their Gift of the Month programme in 2009.
My prize was the Gift of the Month programme for 2010 - so in case I thought I might catch up on my UFOs this year - there is no chance now! (really there never was - even if I retired yesterday and did nothing but sew, sew & sew I still wouldn't make it!)
You can see my entry (and the story that goes with it) and the others here:
If you like truly romantic, soft, girly, soft florals etc etc - they are there for you at Faeries - the web site is really worth a visit if that is what you like.
The challenge was to make a TV Remote Control Holder based on the pattern supplied by Faeries in My Garden as part of their Gift of the Month programme in 2009.
My prize was the Gift of the Month programme for 2010 - so in case I thought I might catch up on my UFOs this year - there is no chance now! (really there never was - even if I retired yesterday and did nothing but sew, sew & sew I still wouldn't make it!)
You can see my entry (and the story that goes with it) and the others here:
If you like truly romantic, soft, girly, soft florals etc etc - they are there for you at Faeries - the web site is really worth a visit if that is what you like.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Breast of Friends - Finished!!!
Well - its all done - quilted and bound.
I have really enjoyed doing this quilt - wondering what the next edition of Homespun will surprise me with. And having a deadline to work to (to send photos to Homespun by 31st January 2010) pushed me along a lot.
My apologoes to the designers whose blocks I changed and also for he changes I made to the layout. But I have always believed that patterns are meant as a guide and an inspiration - and a little creative licence is only fair. In particular I changed the Girls Weekend with the car - I used another design for the car from Lynette Anderson O'Rourke and I changed the wording - to "August Retreat" and the signposts point to the location of the retreat and away from home!
Here are the individual blocks - in no particular order.
The House block

I have really enjoyed doing this quilt - wondering what the next edition of Homespun will surprise me with. And having a deadline to work to (to send photos to Homespun by 31st January 2010) pushed me along a lot.
My apologoes to the designers whose blocks I changed and also for he changes I made to the layout. But I have always believed that patterns are meant as a guide and an inspiration - and a little creative licence is only fair. In particular I changed the Girls Weekend with the car - I used another design for the car from Lynette Anderson O'Rourke and I changed the wording - to "August Retreat" and the signposts point to the location of the retreat and away from home!
Here are the individual blocks - in no particular order.
The House block
The Doves
(couldn't resist the shoe buttons I found only last week)
Laugh Often
Tea with Friends
In the car and one Rosalie Quinlan block
Friendlier with two
Hand of Friendship
Kindred Spirits
Off to the retreat
and the other two RQ blocks
and finally - the quilt itslelf!
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