Wednesday, February 5, 2025

RSC 2025 February - Blue

I completed 20 blocks for my Colorwash Quilt:

There is a lot more variety in the colours this month . . .amazing what you find when you raid the strip boxes.

Then I made 3 placemats...that got rid of most of the longer blue strips...still short lengths sitting around....


loulee said...

You made a great start on the month.

Helenchaffin said...

Great start on blues!

ButterZ said...

Great placemats. You could use your smaller lengths to make smaller squares and join them together to make another placemat

Lin said...

Great use of your strips - coasters with the smaller bits? xx

Jeanna said...

Well done, Susan. Love the bright centers in your Colorwash Quilt.

Denice Barker said...

I'm partial to blue so both projects speak to me.

Helen said...

Those strips make a great placement....nice blocks also....

Janice said...

That didn’t take long. The colour wash is looking good.

Fiona said...

Great blues.... I do like the placemats

Karen's Korner said...

Great use of those blue scraps.

Barwitzki said...

I particularly like free cutting techniques.
Nice work - great fabrics.
A hug for you and many greetings.

Sharm said...

I’m loving the idea of the strips sewn together diagonally - I might have to pinch your idea and I might have a quilt from all my scraps by the end of the year! said...

Looking good

Jenny said...

You are becoming the scrappy queen . Looks good.

Narelle said...

I love how the centres are all sizes/placements in your blue blocks...they look great.
Great placemats ... can I please ask what size you make yours?