Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge - #8 - A Christmas Stitchery

When the group first discussed this Challenge... a few numbers were assigned to specific things - totally optional of course - but #8 was to be a Christmas stitchery and many of us decided to use a design from Anni Downs - the one she released for Christmas 2023. 
I had originally thought to enlarge it a bit and make it into a mini quilt to hang on a little wooden hanger I have - so it would need to be 12 x 14"....BUT I only have one hanger and several minis that fit, so I pondered . . Then Janice had another bright idea - to do this one and a few of the previous ones and make a larger, though still small, quilt.
At the moment - that is my plan...

Here is the 2023 Anni Downs Christmas Stitchery, using Anchor Variegated red (#1206)

I haven't trimmed it yet, pending a final decision on how I will use it.

And the 2024 Challenge is over.  Deana wisely restricted it to 10 projects - figuring that by November we were likely busy with Christmas projects.

So, How did I do?

I am happy to say that I completed 8 projects and for those that I didn't finish - I do have a finished top.  Finishing off will probably go on the 2025 list.

Huge thanks Deana for suggesting this and keeping us on our toes by posting the Linky Party each month.


Lin said...

Such a great design and nicely stitched of course. Well done on completing all your challenges. xx

ButterZ said...

Great job Susan. You have done very well so early in the month too.

Denice Barker said...

Wow! You really accomplished a lot! The stich project is very sweet, I'm sure whatever you decide will be just right.

Jeanna said...

I've enjoyed watching the Chookshed Challenge. Congratulations on a job well done!

loulee said...

Lovely stitchery. All ready for you to finish it when you work out how. Great that you have achieved all you set out for the challenge.

Maria said...

Lovely stitchery to have completed .
Well done on your Challenge List.

Janice said...

Go you! Well done. A quilt flimsy is still pretty darn good. I’m so pleased this will continue next year.

Sharm said...

Wow - you did well! I fell behind fairly early in the piece I’d say ….but then I should head back to those 3 lists I made to see just what happened lol Nice job you 🩵💚❤️