Friday, September 2, 2022

August Finish - 3 taggies

I have been very neglectful of my blog - and catching up with other bloggers - of late.  No idea why but I will try to rectify this.

I noticed that I am not showing many finishes lately - apart from my crochet blocks - and I have been busy on other WIPs etc that don't count as finishes, but there have been a couple - so I am posting now so I can keep track.

One finish was 3 more taggies - I forgot to take a separate shot of these so the picture from the SS blog will have to suffice.  
One went to my new grandson Milo, one was gifted to De for her new granddaughter and one went to a grand niece of John's who has just had a baby girl.

I know of one more I need to make by the end of the year. so will probably make a couple then . . .in case!


Maria said...

Lovely baby gifts ..

Chookyblue...... said...

you've been to busy at retreats and some work inbetween......
lovely taggies.....

Fiona said...

I don't think you have had time to spend on blogs have you... out and about????? love the taggies, when I am old and senile I would like one please...xx