Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Be My Neighbour - February

A while 2024....I saw a quilt called Be My Neighbour - a freebie from Moda  . . .and I no longer remember how it came to be that both Fiona and I decided to make it.

I drew up a plan for us to follow - to keep it simple, I spread it over a year or so - we both have numerous other projects to work on.  So, basically, it is 2 blocks a month - 16 in all.  And we gave January a miss!

At some stage I found this picture of it:

And I've decided to follow the general colour scheme....not my normal way to go...but it will save a lot of "umming and aahing" over fabric selection.
They are big blocks - Block 1 is 18" x 18" and #2 is 15" x 18".
I can already anticipate that Fiona will do a great job of quilting hers...mine??   - we will we'll see...

February blocks are done:  (They were finished before the end of February - the post is a bit late.)

Fiona is working with Tilda fabrics and hers are here.


Jeanna said...

Be My Neighbour looks like it will be a fun quilt to make. And having a friend join in will make it even more fun.

loulee said...

Grand looking houses Sue. You could always send yours to Fiona for quilting?

ButterZ said...

I agree it’s Lou. Nice plan

Maria said...

Great houses blocks….

Narelle said...

Lovely blocks ... will be a fun quilt to work on, especially with a good friend alongside.

Lin said...

More houses! Great start and a lovely project to work on together. xx

Janice said...

That will be fun.

Fiona said...

I'm so glad you encouraged me to join you..... it's quite fun working with big blocks for a change....

Karen's Korner said...

Nice big blocks

Helenchaffin said...

This looks like a fun quilt to put together,yours turned out great!

Helen said...

They are looking good.... I will check out Fiona's....

dq said...

Such a cute little neighbor quilt. Love the name too!