Sunday, March 9, 2025

RSC 2025 March - Yellow

Yellow is a hard one for me - I do not have a lot of yellow (or red or orange).  But I raided the strip collection and made two placemats - luckily someone had recently gifted me some fabrics they no longer wanted and there were a few larger yellow pieces so that helped with the backings and bindings of these.

Then I used the left over strips to start on the colourwash blocks.  I had to cut some pieces from my very limited stash of yellow.  I ended up with 24, so it will do for now.

It seems Blogger has decided not to send me emails when you comment. so I will try to respond to you, but if you have come here from the RSC site, it is likely I can't find you to reply.  So, add your email address if you'd like me to reply.
Hoping I can sort that sometime......

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Be My Neighbour - February

A while 2024....I saw a quilt called Be My Neighbour - a freebie from Moda  . . .and I no longer remember how it came to be that both Fiona and I decided to make it.

I drew up a plan for us to follow - to keep it simple, I spread it over a year or so - we both have numerous other projects to work on.  So, basically, it is 2 blocks a month - 16 in all.  And we gave January a miss!

At some stage I found this picture of it:

And I've decided to follow the general colour scheme....not my normal way to go...but it will save a lot of "umming and aahing" over fabric selection.
They are big blocks - Block 1 is 18" x 18" and #2 is 15" x 18".
I can already anticipate that Fiona will do a great job of quilting hers...mine??   - we will we'll see...

February blocks are done:  (They were finished before the end of February - the post is a bit late.)

Fiona is working with Tilda fabrics and hers are here.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Luka's Birthday Presents

DD1 suggested a new book pillow for Luka for his birthday - and a new hooded towel.  His current love is Spiderman (aka Spidey).

I got some Spiderman fabric from Spotlight - and some plain red & a blue blender and made this:

Then I needed to tackle the hooded towel.  I don't have one here to work from, so found a You Tube and some written instructions, combined the two and made this:

The You Tube I watched included some fabric binding which would have made it very "Spiderman-ish", but I was concerned that over time the fabric would wear away, so I decided on appliquing some of the images and Luka's name.

We watched Luka opening his presents...after checking out the towel he placed in on the table and rested his head on it "very soft" he said.

Seems he was happy with his pillow, towel, book and light we sent him.
Happy Birthday Luka!