
Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Be My Neighbour - February

A while 2024....I saw a quilt called Be My Neighbour - a freebie from Moda  . . .and I no longer remember how it came to be that both Fiona and I decided to make it.

I drew up a plan for us to follow - to keep it simple, I spread it over a year or so - we both have numerous other projects to work on.  So, basically, it is 2 blocks a month - 16 in all.  And we gave January a miss!

At some stage I found this picture of it:

And I've decided to follow the general colour scheme....not my normal way to go...but it will save a lot of "umming and aahing" over fabric selection.
They are big blocks - Block 1 is 18" x 18" and #2 is 15" x 18".
I can already anticipate that Fiona will do a great job of quilting hers...mine??   - we will we'll see...

February blocks are done:  (They were finished before the end of February - the post is a bit late.)

Fiona is working with Tilda fabrics and hers are here.


  1. Be My Neighbour looks like it will be a fun quilt to make. And having a friend join in will make it even more fun.

  2. Grand looking houses Sue. You could always send yours to Fiona for quilting?

  3. Lovely blocks ... will be a fun quilt to work on, especially with a good friend alongside.

  4. More houses! Great start and a lovely project to work on together. xx

  5. I'm so glad you encouraged me to join you..... it's quite fun working with big blocks for a change....

  6. This looks like a fun quilt to put together,yours turned out great!

  7. They are looking good.... I will check out Fiona's....

  8. Such a cute little neighbor quilt. Love the name too!


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