Tuesday, January 21, 2025

RSC 2025 (Pink) & Chookshed Challenge 2025

Rainbow Scrap Challenge

I deliberated about joining RSC again - I've done it a few years and it is great motivation to get some blocks made, . . but do I need yet another project???   NO

So, I decided to combine it with another project and the Colourwash blocks seemed ideal.

Maureen found this idea on You Tube and the plan was to motivate each other to make blocks from our stash....
The quilt on YouTube is finished with 3" squares, and there are probably 400 or so blocks. Ummm. I decided on a 4.5" cut and the total number of squares??? I have no idea yet. It depends on how it pans out, and it may end up as a colourful quilt.

I hadn't planned on any fixed number of blocks for RSC, so I just used what was easy to cut from bits I had "sitting around" ...I ended up with 16 for the first run, but decided to make 20 each month.
I will probably need a lot more for what I have in mind - and I may spread this over two years.

Obviously I tend to buy bright pinks in a similar tone.....but I am sure over time, my pinks will become more varied.

I also have quite a collection of cut strips . . . Previously, I've made string blocks for quilts for donation to DV...and I like to make placemats to donate to the local Meals on Wheels organisation...so I grabbed the pink strips that were long enough and made a simple placemat

Chookshed Challenge

For the Chookshed Challenge, #6 was the project for January, so I combined my RSC Commitment with the Challenge.  Off to a winning start


ButterZ said...

A very good start for you. The placemats are a great idea.

Michelle Ridgway said...

The blocks are very effective. Great start x

Maria said...

Sure is a good start.

Janice said...

I saw that quilt in the Last Homely House. Very effective. You should have good fun with it. The placemats will always be well received. So much for no RSC.

Jenny said...

Good work. I think we all tend to lean toward certain colours and tones. I like the RSC idea how big are the squares.

Denice Barker said...

Very fun way to use scraps and bits. I would have balked at the 400 number, too! It looks like a fun project you would not tire of.

Jeanna said...

Well done, Susan. I saw those blocks on Maureen's blog as well. They are a great use for the RSC project. Love the placemat as well.

Karen's Korner said...

Two good scrap busting projects.

Lin said...

Nice strong pinks and an interesting new project. xx

loulee said...

That's a lotta pink. You managed to get a quite a few blocks made.

Fiona said...

Great way to use up your scraps...

kiwikid said...

Great blocks and a wonderful way to use up scraps.

Jenny said...

Hi it’s Jenny leaving another comment to see if I’m still anon

Preeti said...

So glad you chose to join RSC 2025. For me, it is a welcome change from projects that I must :-) Also love that I get to meet (sort of)
and see your work. Hugs.

Barwitzki said...

400 blocks is huge... I think you made the right decision with the 4.5 inches. And I like pink.
Thanks for the link.
Have fun sewing.
Best wishes from Viola

Narelle said...

Lovely red/pink blocks and sweet placemat. I'm soaking up all these ideas to use scraps and see some placemats in my future. Great idea to donate them to Meals on Wheels ... I can envisage some very happy recipients xx

Helen said...

The pinks look great in the placemat..... and nice blocks.....

dq said...

It is a super smart idea to combine the challenges.