
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Finally a Finish!!!!

When I look at my list of finishes for the year on the right hand side I get very depressed....

I do get a lot of time to why no finishes????

Oh..... that would be because I have too many projects on the go - and mostly they are "quilts" not smaller thing slike bags and wall hangings etc.....Well that's my excuse and I am sticking with it...

Finally, a finish - this might be because of a "sort of" deadline.. I did a Natalie Bird workshop in February along with the Sunday Stitchers and it was suggested that we aim to finish our projects by the July meetup - so I did.  It was designed as a pouch for a kindle or similar but since I have a cover for my iPad - I made a sewing folder - a few others have done that too...but they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

I have another almost finish - it's a secret sewing thing...(so I can't show you...yet) but you know when you are putting the binding on - you do a rough measure around to make sure the joins don't end up in the corners...and for me they hardly ever do first time - and then sometimes it's late and you are trying to get it done...and you don't???

Murphy's Law prevails:


  1. so pleased you had a finish........very nice............I have the same problem.............too many projects on the go............

  2. It`s a nice feeling to complete a project. I love your sewing folder and you will get lots of use from this. I enjoyed my workshop with Natalie last year. Happy Stitching.

  3. Hello Susan,

    The sewing folder will be so useful, congrats on a finish.

    Happy days.

  4. Oh Susan I'm with you Aaaaaaaall the way. My ufo list isn't shrinking much either. Nonetheless that sneaky peek is gorgeous... Never mind the join in the binding finding the corner! Xxx

  5. Hi Susan,i love your project holder,it looks fantastic,all of a sudden you will have heaps finished my friend,keep plugging away xx

  6. Love your folder and your secret project looks intriguing! I think it must be something about this year...most of us are saying we don't seem to be accomplishing as much as we normally do...well that's my story! and I'm sticking to it! lol

  7. Oh what a nifty little folder. Always great to sidetrack to get a finish

  8. OMG what a pain about the binding... & it happens sometimes regardless of how many times you measure & check & all that!
    Well done on your FINISH... I've been like that so far this year too

  9. lovely folder.. don't get depressed.. any bit of stitching is a bit closer to something being done... we all have those projects hiding in our cupboards...

  10. Dont be depressed by what you haven' t done, look at what you have done and feel fantastic - you have given so many encouragement I hope you get plenty back xxx

  11. Love your take on the sewing pouch - very pretty!


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