
Sunday, July 5, 2015

FNWF + Saturday Sewing

The first Friday of the Month is time for FNWF - any excuse to sew my DH would say..

I worked on this and have finally finished the alphabet and block 2 from Mrs Beasleys Sampler:

I have a "Go -To" project that is handy when I haven't organised any other hand I did a bit on that on Friday and continued sewing this on Saturday at my group  meeting ...there are 32 blocks all up - I've done 12 - although I haven't done any words yet - they will be all one colour and will match the fabrics that I use around each hexagon . . . .when I finally get there.

Saturday night I did a bit more on the "Go-To" project, cut some strips of yellow for a soon to start project and finished off the top for a secret project.

Sunday was a bit of a "domestic" day - went through my wardrobe and now have a "few" bags to drop off at the local Op Shop - did the necessary grocery shopping and tonight I have got to the pinning stage of that secret you can only see one corner....I have ummed and aaahed over this so much - and as my friends tell me - sometimes you just overthink no changes now just a bit if quilting & binding to go....and a label of course...

Thanks for your company - thanks Cheryll for organising and encouraging us...I'll be over to visit a few during the week.


  1. You've had a very busy weekend Susan - lovely stitching there & that secret sewing looks interesting!

  2. Nice stitcheries you have worked on Susan. Looking forward to your secret reveal.

  3. Someone else making Mrs Beasley's sampler :-) ; I am getting ready for starting block 3 soon (I hope).

  4. Oh wie schön Du gestickt hast, gefällt mir sehr !
    Liebe Grüße

  5. goodluck with Mrs Beasley Sampler.........

  6. A good weekend Susan especially clearing out your wardrobe some!

  7. lovely stitchery projects.... love the sampler...

  8. good morning Susan,you have lots of lovely projects on the go,well done my friend and i hope you have a lovely day xx

  9. Nice work Susan! I eventually got my copy of Vignette Vol 12!! Just one more to go and I will start looking at fabrics for the sampler. I am not as brave as you......have to see what I am doing first.

  10. Lovely stitching Susan. I am an um! And ahher too Lol!

  11. You certainly had a productive weekend. Love both Mrs Beasleys Sampler and your 'go to' project.... I know I know what it is but just can't put a name to it. Glad to meet another overthinker. Hope it doesn't take you as long to make a decision as it does me.... Have


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