
Sunday, July 19, 2015

FNSI - July

I had Thursday and Friday off work - so I have spent a lot of that time organising things for my retreat...its now less than 5 weeks it's time to start cutting and packing bits.

I have a list of things I want to do - no doubt longer than the time allowed ...but best to have too much than not enough.

I am planning on a few projects that involve 1.5" strips...I seem to have cut a gazillion - here they are:

 Still need a couple of reds
 and a couple of yellows

On Friday night I also finished preparing another block for my Quilty Christmas Fun quilt.

And I did a bit of stitching on my Rosalie Quinlan BFF while watching some TV...

Hope everyone else was productive and not too cold - or hot - depending on where you are..


  1. You were busy...prep does take time. Looking forward to seeing what all those pretty strips become x

  2. Prep work can take time.. especially with such small strips... looking forward to seeing what you make with them...

  3. It sounds like you took good advantage of your time off work. Once you get to sew these up you will so pleased you've spent all this time prepping!

  4. Yep! It looks like a gazillion to me...and I'd know, as I cut a gazillion 2 1/2 inch squares from Liberty prints a little while back! lol. Seriously though, the fabrics you're using look great!

  5. You managed lots of prep work for your retreat... Where do you go for it? What date is it?

  6. great to be organised as you are all prepped to just sew then.................


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