
Sunday, February 28, 2021

February Progress

It's 10th March and I am only now posting what I managed for February - not really a lot to show - most things are "working on"....

I did finish 13 crochet blocks to hand over to Maria at Sunday Stitchers

I put together a baby quilt top which is now pinned and just waiting for some "free time" to quilt it.

and I made progress on My Small World which was my SS UFO February Challenge.
Sections 1 and 2 done.

Not much - but February is a short month!

Saturday, February 20, 2021

FNSI - February

I was able to get an early start on my FNSI projects - the advantage of working from home!!!

I started with cutting some pastel balis

Then it was time for dinner and Better Homes & Gardens - followed by the Grand Finale of Great British Bake Off that we had recorded...(seen it before but can't always remember who wins...LOL) so I stitched this:

The stitching is now finished.  I am not sure when I started this - I can find a post from June 2020 - so perhaps then.  I bought it in May 2018.  (Not too bad going).

I will add it to some other fabric - possibly a teal coloured linen type...who knows?

Then I moved onto a cross-stitch project - picked a bit that requires very little concentration!

and finally back at the machine and managed to get all these little bits together that I cut earlier in the night (mostly 1.5" cut squares).

I am loving the dual facebook/blog idea.  Facebook is a lot more interactive and we can comment as people post pictures...but I like my blog for long-time reminders of what I did when, so not giving that up.

BIG thanks to Wendy for organising us...and a bonus from now on - she has a sponsor so there is a "lucky door prize" each month.  Go Wendy!!!!!!!
(Not that we do this for the prizes, we do it because its our passion - sanity saver - keep out of jail project...etc)

Pop over here to see who else signed up - and visit their pages for some inspiring stuff.

Take Care everyone
Stay Safe

Saturday, February 6, 2021

FNWF - February

A new month - time to gather with cyber friends - and sew!!!

Tonight was a bit of this & that....

One of the things I hope to finish this year is this sashiko project.....I have about 6" of the 40" left to sew...such an easy relaxing thing to do . . .

And another "plan" for the year is to progress my version of "My Small World"...I made a start quite a while back . . .  here where I started it...grand plans back then!!! LOL  and some more here (that was February 2020...{interesting coincidence}).
So this year I added it to my Sunday Stitchers UFO list - not to finish it but to "make progress on". The bit you see is near the top of Section 2....small steps - I have made Section 1 up to the top of the buildings, but you can't build a world overnight!

Saturday is the first meeting for the year for my Loose Threads Group - we had to cancel January due to some bug that is floating around the I may make more progress on that sashiko project.

Thanks Cheryll who continues to give us the opportunity to congregate in cyberspace - and "encourages" us to blog at the same time.

I also worked on another project - but I'm sticking to the "no social media until reveal day" - May is the next time.  so you will have to stay curious.

Cheers - Happy Sewing - Stay Safe