
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Chookshed Challenge #10 - Sashiko Table Runner

Another longish term finish.

I started the stitching on this in June 2020...originally purchased May 2018) and finished it in February 2021.
I found the fabric I wanted to use as a border to finish it off....but then it sat...I don't really use table runners, so that kind of explains why it didn't get finished....but it's time to wipe it off the list, so it was included as one of my Chookshed Challenge Projects.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Hearts for NICU babies

Recently the Mater Hospital in Brisbane put out a call for cotton hearts - they need sets of 3 - one for mum - one for bub in NICU and a spare.

This was mentioned by Helen in our Sunday Stitchers group.  I made 9 sets.  One of our members works at the Royal Brisbane Hospital which also uses these hearts, so we are gifting our hearts to them,

Monday, February 17, 2025

Floral Fun

Last year, when a number of the Sunday Stitchers groups were at retreat, we spied a small quilt in Quilters Companion.  One thing led to another and it became a group project for us in 2025.

In typical "Mdm Organiser" style I created a plan to spread the workload over a year...even though it is a simple & fairly quick project, a lot of us have other things on the go, so we took the "go slow" approach.

For February, we had to make 2 x Unit 1


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

RSC 2025 February - Blue

I completed 20 blocks for my Colorwash Quilt:

There is a lot more variety in the colours this month . . .amazing what you find when you raid the strip boxes.

Then I made 3 placemats...that got rid of most of the longer blue strips...still short lengths sitting around....

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Sunday Stitchers - UFO Challenge 2025 - #8 - Stitch Happens

In the Chookshed Challenge for 2024 I made Stitch Happens.  I pinned it and started quilting it...but had neglected to engage the quilting foot correctly and it buckled on the back...poop...I thought.  So I put it in the naughty corner for that year.

I really wanted to get it done, so I added it to the Sunday Stitchers 2025 Challenge.

I had a few lines of quilting to remove, and I was concerned that quilting it with vertical lines would cause it to develop a wave, but it seems fine now.

I am so much happier with this than with the original "Sew Big or Go Home" that some friends and I thought we would do.