
Friday, June 21, 2024

Sunday Stitchers Retreat - Glenrose

Does this title sound familiar?

Well, yes - it was only last month when I went to the Sunday Stitchers Retreat at Boonah!!!

I feel as if I accomplished more this time...3 full days and a night of sewing.

We arrived Sunday at about 5PM - after a day of Sunday Stitchers Sewing - and got unpacked just before it got dark.

I am happy to say a lot of the things on my list got done.

I had kitted up most of my projects:

and here is what I did do:
The last block in the Back to Nature project from Quiet Play - Frog

And I made some additional blocks that are not part of the released patterns but will help make a good-sized quilt.

All the FPP blocks I have done so far....still need a few more.

I think I will make 20 all up - add sashing and a border.
It will be a charity quilt when done.

Then, because I am in FPP mindset, I made this one.
But I can't show it all - it will be a separate post later.

and these for My Small World:

I also added borders to the central panel for this charity quilt.  I have another blue floral border to add, but it was getting late and I thought it best to wait.

And I finished with a crumb block....trying to use some of the left overs from projects done on retreat.

Everyone happily left their tea bags for me to collect the strings to add to the collection for Jo.

And in case you think all I do is sew, eat, laugh talk and is a gorgeous rosebush that I walked past every morning.

We all had a wonderful time, many thanks to everyone for their camaraderie
 and to Alison for the organising.


  1. I spy your little kiwi in the mix….cheers, Louise

  2. A very profitable few days! Love the FPP blocks, going to make a lovely quilt and good to see something done for Small World. Memories of your time away all sewn up into that crumb block. xx

  3. Sounds like a lovely time and you really got a lot done. I love the fussy cut bee in the bee skep.

  4. Sounds like a great few days. Lots of work done too. Thanks for the strings

  5. Looks like a great retreat. Love the bee in his hive.

  6. Sweet that you all continue to collect tea bag strings for Jo.

    This is a lovely post, Susan. The blocks on your design wall are so cute. That frog, I could kiss him. Adorable!


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