
Sunday, February 25, 2024

The word for the year - FOCUS

At the beginning of the year, one of my groups - Needle Girls, decided we should each have a "word" for the year . . . after some pondering. ..and considering my very long To Do List....I decided on "FOCUS" - Susan Stay on Track, do not get distracted by new if!!!!
It is only February and I have already added new things to the list. . .Oh Well!!!!

We thought we should each make a "thing" for our immediate thought was to do something with eyes and glasses. . . .I knew I could borrow a pattern for the glasses from bestie Maureen....and as I was making her wallet using this fabric . . . . .

the idea for the eyes came to me!, (Maureen very kindly let me chop into the fabric to get the bits I needed.   A bit of Word Art in Microsoft Word and it was sorted.

Now all I need to do is remember to take note of what it says!!!


  1. That’s fantastic! That should help you Focus….

  2. Well that has worked really well - great fabric! You need to pin it in front of you haha. xx

  3. Very clever depiction of your word.
    Michelle x

  4. That looks great. See you were able to focus. LOL
    Until the next squirrel comes along.

  5. Good luck with your word. Your sign seems to be saying “Look into my eyes, look into my eyes.” Let’s see if it has the desired effect. “Focus” was my word a few years ago. Here is my initial post. I did manage to finish quite a lot of UFOs that year, so it must have worked a little bit.


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