
Friday, February 2, 2024

FNWF - February

 A few of us gathered in cyber space for FNWF.

I worked on this project for most of the day.  The building is foundation pieced and then the other pieces are appliqued.  Some of them are quite tiny...

It is Shop 1 (Teacup Bake Shop) in a set of 10 - called "The Shop Ladies" by Sue Pritt.

I have a few friends who are also working on this.  I think we will all need to keep motivating each other.

One thing we have tried for this project is printing the applique shapes onto the fusible webbing - that did save a lot of tracing time!

It was a little frustrating in parts, so once all the pieces were ready, I decided to reward myself with something simpler.  I prepped this sewing machine applique which will be made into a small wall hanging.  This is also my Chookshed Challenge #2 project, so getting a very early start on that one.

There was no linkup from Cheryll this time - but it's hard to keep a sewer down!


  1. Love that sewing machine block, how pretty is that?

  2. I am seriously drooling over both of these beautiful projects. Who doesn't love a colorful vintage sewing machine block? I know I do!

    The Teacup Bake Shop is to die for!!!! I will have to look up that pattern.

  3. Checked out the pattern online - LOVE IT! Not interested into a project that tedious right now though.

  4. There does look to be a lot of work in that shop front! Looking lovely though. My knitting needles were clicking away too. xx

  5. It was worth all the work on the shop as it looks lovely.
    Cute sewing .

  6. Your shop blog looks like a lot of fine work. I have never thought of printing onto the fusible... how do you do that? cut into size - I would worry about the sticky getting into the printer or maybe you use a special one?

  7. Beautiful block, you would need motivation to keep going I would think! Love the sewing machine applique, going very well with #2.

  8. Shop Ladies is going to be gorgeous when finished. Love your #2 challenge piece.

  9. I looked up the pattern for The Shop Ladies. It is gorgeous, but so much work. Beat of luck making the all. I do love your sewing machine. It will be a lovely hanging in your sewing room.

  10. Love your shop and the fabrics you have used for the sewing machine - gorgeous...

  11. good to see you made a move........Im sure you will meet your Feb goal........or should I say goals.....


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