
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

RSC - February

I may have done my January block early - not so for February though.

While I was thinking about how I plan to use the blocks as an I Spy quilt for grandchild #3 - I realised I may as well make two of each - and be prepared for grandchild #4 who is due mid-year.

So, I made another blue one:
and two pink ones:

Although I am using almost the same fabrics for both blocks, I tried to vary it up a bit in the sizes and locations of each.

Wonder what colour is next??


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. When my littles were little I had a lot of fun making I Spy quilts for them.
    It's a great way to use scraps, too. But I found myself buying just bits and pieces and trading for them.

  3. Using RSC to make I Spy blocks is a great idea. You will have three nice quilts when this year is done.

  4. These are going to be fun quilts, great for little people.

  5. So cute!!! I made I Spy quilts for my grandsons but by the time I got them done, 2 of them were too big to want them...LOL! Did I mention I am very slow!
    You look to be right on time with yours!

  6. Great blocks and a good idea to do two at the same time.

  7. lovely blocks.... I'm looking out for which colour too...


  8. They are so cute. I am nearly finished the 4th quilt for my grandsons. Luckily they are large quilts. Now they have a nice rememberance of grand parents.

  9. They will be such fun quilts. You’re doing well to find so many suitable fabrics in each colour.

  10. Good idea to double up. Great blocks. xx

  11. Great idea.... Only seems like yesterday you were getting no 1 and now it's no 4 on the way.....

  12. Good idea... & they are both looking great...xox

  13. Hi Susan these will look fantastic and yes good idea to do the extra one 🌹🤍🌹


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