
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Churn Dash - September

Still on track for Chooky's Churn Dash SAL

That's the end of the blocks that are needed - I need to sash & cornerstone & put them into a top - by the end of October!!

Saturday, September 24, 2022

FNSI - September

A bit of a delay this month - but it takes more than a little hiccup to stop me / us sewing and joining Wendy & friends for FNSI.

Naturally, there was some crochet 

and then I worked on a foundation pieced block.  I thought / hoped I would finish it on Friday night - but nope... never mind, Saturdays are for sewing too.

I am making a block for a group but not showing the full thing for now.

It got finished over the weekend - one less thing to worry about.

Thanks Wendy - always a good excuse to sew!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

RSC - August

I am running very late with my blocks for RSC - August. 
I had 8 done ages ago - but as orange is a fabric that doesn't figure largely in my stash - and I am needing fairly big pieces now - I had to go shopping (shock horror!!!!)

And I am running out of floor space to lay them out.

Making a start on September now so hopefully, they will be done before the end of the month

What colour will October be??

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Crochet Blocks (32) - August and September

Since we didn't have a Sunday Stitchers Meeting in August - I couldn't hand over the crochet blocks to Maria -so this month is a double whammy!

32 in all

In amongst it all are quite a few rainbow blocks - made with yarn gifted to me from Maureen.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Seven Felt Puppets

I have finished the rest of the felt puppets.  I had the first two finished here - and they were mailed off to Luka.

I have really enjoyed working with felt - it's lovely to handle - feels soft and of course, is even more pliable than fabric.

I can see more felt projects in my future - just as well I have a buddy who has already organised that for me.

Friday, September 2, 2022

FNWF - September (and life catch up)

The months do roll on by - a lot has happened recently  . ..

Sad news:
we had to farewell our cat (Joey) on 23rd June - he was 14.
and then on 4th August we had to farewell our dog (Levi) - he was 15.

Wonderful Happy news
We welcomed our 3rd grandchild - second grandson on 15th August - exactly one year one month and one day after our second grandchild.

and I managed to get to two retreats in August!
Not only extra sewing time - but time off work - always good for the soul.

For Friday Night With (cyber) friends - I did the usual bit of crochet while watching BH&G.

then escaped to Susan's Sewing Space and worked on this:

Its a bit of "secret Sewing" - but many of you will realise what it is for - but I am not saying or admitting anything.

Thanks Cheryll - glad you are back home & can sew along with us
& thanks for the push - else I'd be wasting time doing not much . . LOL

& Welcome Spring - though it/'s not very Spring-like at the moment

August Finish - 3 taggies

I have been very neglectful of my blog - and catching up with other bloggers - of late.  No idea why but I will try to rectify this.

I noticed that I am not showing many finishes lately - apart from my crochet blocks - and I have been busy on other WIPs etc that don't count as finishes, but there have been a couple - so I am posting now so I can keep track.

One finish was 3 more taggies - I forgot to take a separate shot of these so the picture from the SS blog will have to suffice.  
One went to my new grandson Milo, one was gifted to De for her new granddaughter and one went to a grand niece of John's who has just had a baby girl.

I know of one more I need to make by the end of the year. so will probably make a couple then . . .in case!