
Saturday, October 16, 2021

FNSI - October

Gosh, a month goes so quickly!

And I do NOT need to be reminded that Christmas is hovering around the corner!

I got an early start to sewing on Friday - I traced the shapes and cut the applique pieces for Letters to My Daughter as the October patterns are released . . no magazine yet . . so I took an educated guess and cut the backgrounds 2" bigger in case ... and traced the lettering - ready for a sewing day on Sunday.

I dropped in for a short Zoom Chat with Chookyblue - and did a bot of work on the pages for the latest ABC book - they are now sewn together and ironed - just 28 buttonholes to go and it's done.    (Aren't I grateful for a machine that does them easily and nicely???)

I hope everyone else had a fun & productive night - or if you took it easy - a fun night.

Thanks Wendy.


  1. I see many hours of fun ahead with that ABC book.

  2. Susan, I love the ABC book. What are the buttonholes for and how will you be joining the pages to make the book.

  3. Good progress on the ABC book , look forward seeing it complete.
    Well done getting ahead with Letter to my Daughter.
    Nice to catch up for awhile on Zoom.

  4. Great progress..... no I don't need Christmas reminders yet either! (rolling eyes) have a lovely sew day


  5. Great progress on your projects. Look forward to seeing the ABC book when you finish it. Hugs, xx

  6. A very enjoyable evening, by the sounds of it. Your projects are coming along nicely.

  7. Congratulations for having such a productive night.

  8. Very cute ABC book. Must check for October edition...still stacking magazines for future fun xx

  9. Lovely book you are making great progress.

  10. You made some nice progress. I haven't done any applique' in a long while but would love to get back to it soon. My FNSI plans didn't quite work out but I did get a little something finished over the weekend.

  11. Always so industrious... Nice to see you on the quick chat .....

  12. Tie is flying by way too quickly... lovely applique!xx


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