
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Retreat 2021

I had a list of "To Dos" for my retreat - and as explained before - it didn't happen.
I was able to sew most of the weekend - but normally there would have been a lot more than a weekend to sew - so I have tried to follow on with the list since the Non-Event.

MY #2 was to finish the ABC book for my new grand daughter....- I'll do a separate post about that.

Tonight I completed #3 on the list - the June/July blocks for Letters to My Daughter.

I created my own Project board - like we do every year at Mt Alford - so now there are 3 on the "Done" side.

It certainly wasn't the same missing out on the fun & friendship - but it is not the end of the world.


  1. What a great idea to keep up with what you were planning to do.... your LTMD colours are just glorious.... will you bring some of your projects to your next retreat?

  2. Your blocks look lovely. Fabulous colours. Hugs, xx

  3. Great idea to have your labels to record what you have done. Your blocks look wonderful. Hopefully next year the retreat will go ahead.

  4. Lovely version of LTMD and good on you for keeping your goals on track. One wonders if our world will ever be on an even keel again but we can hope x

  5. Nice to see more on the "Done" side. Hopefully retreats will be back on the agenda next year.

  6. A great idea to follow your usual retreat format. It’s good to see some goals achieved.

  7. Not the end of the world but felt like it when fun things keep getting cancelled....... No end in sight for us with lockdown..... Hoping they make an announcement today so we have confirmation. I'd 100% back we will be in lockdown for 2-3 weeks at least to come..... I'm pretty sure the state wide one will be extended by a week....... To many bits floating around......Qld isn't good management just good luck.....

  8. That's a great idea... a virtual sewing retreat...LoVe it...xox


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