But I have done some preparation for LTMD - I've traced the two blocks, cut all the bits for the patchwork around the stitchery blocks, and did a bit more of the stitching on the hill.
Hopefully, I will get the hand stitching done over the weekend and can start putting the blocks together - maybe next weekend - when maybe/hopefully I will be on a retreat.
Hope everyone else got to do something they enjoy.
Being in Queensland, I am not experiencing prolonged or frequent lockdowns.
My sympathies to everyone who is going through this.
Thanks Wendy
Being in Queensland, I am not experiencing prolonged or frequent lockdowns.
My sympathies to everyone who is going through this.
Thanks Wendy
I know what you mean about the lounge being too comfy of a night. Any progress is good progress.
ReplyDeleteAlways good to get some prep out of the way. xx
ReplyDeleteWas good you had some prep done and I saw you worked on the stitching today.
ReplyDeletegood prep.........I sure hope you get to go on retreat next weekend..........someones got to have some fun things to go out and do.......
ReplyDeleteAny little bit is progress and prep is always needed....
Well done on the preparation, your stitchery is cute.
ReplyDeleteHi we are in lockdown since March last year, but can move around a bit. We have a curfew from 10pm till ram no movement. Also certain amounts at funerals etc. But being a quilter l haven't felt the lockdown so bad! Love your stitchery! Take care and have fun.
ReplyDeleteThose colours have me interested ... the grey and aqua are lovely and with the lime green.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your progress and fingers crossed for your retreat.