
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

November finishes

Not really a lot of finishes for the month - a LOT of WIP - or if it's finished I can't show it yet . . .

Firstly my SS UFO #8 - My Postcards quilt - based on Leanne Beasley's pattern Road Trip.
It's not a good picture and I will update it later on.
I customised a lot of it - I did postcards for places we have visited as a family and added images that reflected something significant from the trip.

For example Noosa - our youngest called the pelicans "ducks"  so I did a pelican.
For the Mornington Penisula - again my youngest - was allergic to all dairy products - so when we found a cafe with a non dairy milk shake we were delighted! - hence a milkshake container for that postcard.

And - whilst on retreat recently - I was able to use my second volunteer leave day from work - to make 10 drawstring bags

and 11 stockings

These will all go to Knitting for Brisbane's Needy - K4BN - the same place that gets the crochet blocks that I make.
My November collection - only 5 blocks.

Since I am not in the car every day for 2 trips in and home from work - my crocheting productivity has dropped significantly...but a few blocks help.

There is a lot of other stuff "in the pipeline" but as normal for this time of the year it's all hush-hush.

Hopefully, December's roundup will have "heaps".


  1. I LoVe the postcard quilt... I wish I had joined that one too...
    Yours is full of wonderful memories...
    WeLL DoNe...xox

  2. The postcard quilt is a great idea, lots of happy memories there. Your bags and stockings look good.

  3. You can share "hush hush" with me, I won't tell..I will pm my mobile
    Seriously love your finishes.

  4. Not bad, not bad. I love how Postcards can be customised. I should make one, but too much hand stitching for my liking. Your charity makes will go down a treat.

  5. The Postcard quilt is lovely and you did finish many other things for the month too.

  6. I love how you personalised Road Trip... and great volunteer sewing.... they will find loving homes

  7. Your Postcard is beautiful! Mine is on my list for 2021! Great job on the bags and stockings xx

  8. This sounds like a busy and fruitful post! I like the knitting.


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