
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Clayton’s FNSI

The Third Friday of the month is usually FNSI - but Wendy had to defer it til next week - (due to a variety of issues).....but that was no reason to not sew.....and the footy was a good reason to escape to my Sewing Space!

I’ve been making this baby quilt for a work colleague.   She is off to London to visit the daughter, who had a baby a few months ago.   Really I can’t complain about my grandchild being in Townsville compared to that!

So, it was time to finish this one.....I had a bit of quilting to go....then the binding.

It’s done....just the threads to sew in and the hand stitching on the binding.

My Guardian Bobbin Angel was looking after me this time!!!
That is about 30cm of thread left...phew!!!!

See you next Friday for a real FNSI!!!


  1. Gorgeous finish! Thank goodness for the guardian bobbin angel!! xx

  2. Don't ya just LuV when that happens to the bobbin. You feel like you've had a great
    Nice sewing with you too at our own FNSI... xox

  3. Hi Susan what a pretty quilt ,lol glad the bobbin fairy was looking out for you.yes lucky you are in the same country as your grandchild ,one thing I wAs always scared off,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

  4. How lucky were you??!! Beautiful quilt you have made.

  5. Even nicer in real time! Lovely Susan x

  6. such a pretty quilt.... get such a boost when the bobbin fairy helps...

  7. Gorgeous bright baby quilt Susan and it's sew good when the Bobbin fairy looks after you....
    See you on Friday for FNSI....

  8. What a pretty gift for the baby. See you on Friday. xx


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