
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Stringalong 2019 (February)

Ooops - its time to show our progress on out Stringalong blocks -  
Confession time - I hadn't actually done any since last month - but when I saw the post for the link up, I thought I better pull my finger out and get sewing....In my defense I do still have a very important baby quilt to finish and I've been away for work for almost a week,,,, and came home sick!!!   So, today I am on "Personal Leave"...and really I am not well enough to work a whole day ...but can sew for a I used the opportunity to play catch up.

I decided 9 was a good target for today...after all they are pretty quick and I have boxes of strips ready to go  . . .

So here is the front of the 9 I have just done.

and the back - I am using up left overs from a quilt I finished in 2013 - called Flower Box - it's here if you are interested . . .- and I I hope to be able to organise these into some sort of a pattern  . . 

Of course you can see my ever present companion curled up and fast asleep.while I "work"!!! LOL

The Month 2 Link up is here: if you'd like to look at what the others are doing...some really interesting patterns happening.

Thanks Lori - for the motivation to keep this project going.


  1. Well done, they are coming along nicely.....hope you feel better soon.

  2. Great work with the strips... I love the bold fabrics you are using on the back....

  3. Looking good! I wonder if it is too late to join in? xx

  4. Great strings and I love the backs. Hope you feel better soon. A few blocks each month will eventually become a fabulous quilt.

  5. Love the front strings, but those backs are smashing as well!!!

  6. I gotta bookmark this website it seems extremely helpful very useful. Thanks for sharing.

  7. hi Susan beautiful blocks my friend,well done ,and I hope you are feeling better now xx


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