
Saturday, January 5, 2019

FNWF - January

Happy New Year everyone - another great start to our sewing year.

I am on Annual Leave so have been able to get in some sewing time - so I was certainly able to have a FridayWF and I shared the day with my sewing buddy Maureen.

We pinned a quilt together, chatted, planned and I did a bit of stitching.

On Friday night I sewed buttons onto this small wall hanging, 

 and added sparkles (which were gifted to me by Helen) to my Quilt Diva:

and I also sewed on some of the doo-dads I have collected over the year - still some to go.
I'll add a new picture when they are all done.

Many thanks, as always, to Cheryll for continuing FNWF into 2019.  I've said it many times before - but it's great motivation to sew and also to post on my blog - which in turn becomes a great reference point for when I wonder..."when did I start this???"


  1. I LoVe stitching along with "friends" too. Thanks for joining in FNwF...

  2. Stitching with friends always makes it nicer.
    Some nice projects there

  3. lovely to get a whole day of sewing with a friend.... Happy New Year.

  4. Always good to have time off from work to stitch!

  5. Ohhh very nice to have a whole day stitching and especially nicer with a friend x

  6. You had a fun day joining your friend for the day. Love that button fabric. Look forward to seeing the wall hanging in full when you have finished sewing on all the do dads.....

  7. It sounds like you had a fun, as well as productive, day. I can't wait to see your quilt diva.

  8. Te felicito por tus avances!!! Gracias por compartir!

  9. It is always nice to be with friends for FNwF :-)

  10. You've done some lovely work! Hopefully I'll get to join you all next month :) xx

  11. What a lovely way to spend FNwF. I love the button fabric you have used x


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