
Saturday, December 8, 2018

FNWF - December

My word - the last FNWF for 2018!!!

And of course everyone is super organised for Christmas and all the Secret Sewing is done....NOT!!!

MIne isn't all done - It will be - nothing like a deadline to put some pressure on . . .

Tonight I organised the back and hangers for these little trees:

I also made a mini hanger and will get that one sewn up pretty quickly by Saturday night ...sorry - not showing the front at the moment!

I hope everyone else had a fun & productive night - poor Cheryll was probably tied up with some other stuff - cruising is a pretty tough life after all!

Cheryll, many thanks for continuing FNWF in 2018 - even though you missed a few - it gives the rest of us some incentive to sew and to blog!

To all my FNWF buddies - I wish you a Merry Christmas full of hope and happiness and all the very best for 2019 - may you finish more projects than you start!

And to all the FNSI buddies - I'll catch up with you all soon!!  (I think we are doing December??)

Hugs to everyone.


  1. I love your pretty trees....definitely is the time of secret sewing!

  2. Cute little trees. That secret sewing looks good.

  3. Pretty Christmas Tree ornie...
    Look forward to seeing the reveal of the secret sewing.

  4. The little trees are really cute, secret sewing looks good too :)

  5. those trees are so sweet.... love them... and the backing of your mini looks great... I'm sure the front is too!!


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