
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Australia Day Swap

Anthea ran another Australia Day Swap.   It's a fun swap - almost a "No Fuss" swap as we don't need to make anything and we don't add extras.

This year I was sending gifts to Kaylee - I included:
Australian fabric
Shopping List
Tilda Pincushion(I did include some scissors)
Ice Cube tray (Kangaroos, shapes of Australia etc)

I like to wrap the gifts in Australian themed paper - so I used serviettes.

Kaylee let me know she loved her presents and she is about to make some Australian themed presents for some work contacts when she visits Japan...lucky her! so the fabric came in very handy

I received my presents from Anthea herself and here are my  lovely goodies

Anthea sent me:
Australia Day toothpick flags (or cup cake decorations) I will use them Australia Day night
Scented Candles - Blood Orange...mmm smell divine!
Thread Snips - these are great when chain piecing
Leaf print fabric (in purple!!!)- can always use fabric!
Instant Hand Sanitiser - another very useful gift.

Funnily, I sent to Anthea last year!

Thanks Anthea for running this fun swap again.


  1. Hi Susanlovely gifts both sent and received xx

  2. Great gifts. I love seeing what people come up with for the letters.

  3. Lovely gifts, sounds like everyone had fun with the swap.

  4. Great swap gifts, it is great seeing what people come up with for the swap.

  5. Thanks for joining in with the swap again Susan... your items to Kaylee were very clever & I love your wrapping idea.

  6. Those ice trays were very popular. You can use them for chocolates or soaps too.

  7. What lovely gifts. A belated Happy Australia Day to you! x


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