
Friday, September 15, 2017

FNSI - September

Apparently it's footy finals time - yippee...(as in nearly the end of the season)

There are two adult males living here at the moment - two football games on - two TVS - so I was "stuck" in my sewing sad.

Once dinner was over and done with - just in time for the 7:50pm start - I escaped - music on - a few emails and a bit of tidying up done - then into some stitching.

I finished off block 4 for Ruth's Quilt.

I do find sitting on a regular chair means I am not as likely to drift tonight was more productive than most Friday nights.

Thanks to everyone for keeping me company - thanks as always to Wendy for hosting us.  I hope to catch up with some fellow FNSIers over the weekend.

And in case you care -  I believe the right teams won (ie Cats, Broncos) - even though the Ref/Umpire didn't do everything right in the AFL game.  


  1. I get the regular chair bit.......I fall asleep most nights on the lounge even if it's only 8pm...... Woops.....
    Ps I hate football

  2. Just as well you have a sewing room! I have my corner of the lounge all set up to sit and sew but I sometimes fall asleep too.

  3. Sad indeed. Iam sure you managed to enjoy your night and your nap any way

  4. Yay glad footy season is nearly over. Love your stitchery. I picked up the Living The Dream book on FB last night $25 posted. Couldn't believe my eyes when i saw it. Snapped it up straight away. Hugs, xx

  5. Yay! BRONCOS Lol! Glad you escaped to your sewing room.

  6. Looks fantastic...last night I caught up on the block and stitched in bed...❤️❤️❤️

  7. It is nice to have a place to escape to at times. Lovely work.

  8. Oh good, footy is nearly over :) DH is also watching non-stop... but good to have somewhere to escape to!!! xx

  9. haha.... we have had the widget over and luckily for me he is quite entertaining to watch while he is watching the footy! he gets so into it... lovely block...

  10. Hi Susan ,lovely block,both my SIL are right into the footy,hubby has no interest,lol hope you had a lovely weekend xx

  11. So sorry to hear you were "forced" to escape to your sewing room ;-) Your block it absolutely lovely!

  12. I feel you pain! So sad to be relegated to the sewing room! Hahaha! Four blocks done ... how many to go? Good job!

  13. Oh you're so funny about the sport on tv Susan! At least you could stitch in peace while they absorbed themselves in it.
    You'd hate being at my place when the sport is on tv because we all love it, but I do understand that it's not appealing to everyone. I'm not avid, but I do have a look.
    Great work on your blocks!

  14. Only one male here - my hubby - and he doesn't watch any sports on tv, or very much tv. I like to watch some shows and he usually reads and falls asleep on the couch a couple of pages in. I hope you have some comforts in your sewing room - a radio, cd player or something that can keep you company. Your stitching looks lovely at least. :)


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