
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Sunday Stitchers Wrap Up

The year drew to a close for our Sunday Stitchers Group on Sunday 27th November - so this post is a bit late...

We had four birthdays to celebrate first - a collection of lovely goodies for Alison, me, Helen and Noela.

I collected some lovely neutrals, a few bright & colourfuls and a "combined 4 x fat quarters" to go with a panel I bought earlier in the month at Glenrose.

 Cheryl brought along tablecloths and tinsel to decorate the scene and a few of us brought along Christmas quilts etc which we were able to pin to the walls.  It looked very festive.
I forgot to take photos - must have been distracted - but fortunately Maria took some so you can pop over here to have a "look and see"

Teresa had brought in some cute Christmas cup cakes for us, so we ate them for morning tea...Very scrummy.
I disappeared for a moment and came back to a place mat full of Christmas presents

This is a a very kind and generous group.

I gave out my Christmas Angel.

As we are so close to an IGA we decided to let them do the hard work and ordered platters of meat, salad and fruit.  Topped off with some pudding.
(again - seriously short of photos.)

Of course we had some Secret Santa happenings.   We had decided to make a bag and include a decoration for our partner.

I made this bag for Sandi 
and an angel (of course) decoration.

(This is actually an angel I made for another person - but it was the same only green.)

I received this totally gorgeous bag and a cute little hanging Santa from Helen - her workmanship is exquisite - I do love it and will use it next year for my Sunday Stitching.   Strangely enough I had recently bought myself a new blue mug for taking to SS, so it all ties in perfectly.

We had a great day - sadly we won't meet again until January.  
By then we should have a bumper crop of Show & Tell!!!


  1. What a lovely day of gift giving for both birthdays and Christmas for your last day of the year.....
    Wishing you a fabulous Christmas Susan πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ„

  2. what great gifts and goodies.........what date are you meeting next year???

  3. Hi Sue what fun pics,love both bags ,what a fun swap,its so much fun at xmas time with friends xx

  4. fabulous wrap up... you are such a talented (and lovely) group...

  5. A lovely festive break up. Beautiful bag to carry your stitching xx

  6. Great way to finish the year πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


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