
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Bah Humbug swap

Finally, the day has arrived when I can open my Bah Humbug swap's been sitting here since 1st December tempting me . . . .

and inside was a lovely mug and mug rug - Love the fabric wrapper and who can say no to cashews??
(Sorry - its will have to do for now!)

I was able to hand mine over ... I had intended I would hand it directly to De, but instead it had to go via her very capable "courier".

It looked like this:
and inside was this:

I had fun making it.....after I found a mug I was happy with....seemed they were either cartoony or thick and fairly ugly.

I really enjoy these little swaps.  Thanks Sandi, Helen Teresa & Norreen


  1. gorgeous gifts both sent and received Susan xx

  2. Love these no fuss swap Makes things easy
    Cute mug rugs

  3. Lovely swap pressies both given and received..I love how you matched your mug rug to the cup - that was brilliant...looking forward to catching up next year..

  4. loved this swap... You received beautiful gifts 🎁 and lovely cup and you made a great
    matching rug mug for De.

  5. This was such a fun swap - both parcels looks great Susan!
    I agree, it's hard to find a 'nice' Christmas mug; they're either too thick & chunky, plain ugly, kitsch, or cutesy. I received a beautiful one!


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