
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Welcome to the North Pole

It's a Top!!!

One other thing on my holiday "To Do" list is to get this into a top so I can quilt it and have it finished for Christmas 2016...there will be a lot of "decorating" once its quilted . . .
Thanks to Fiona (
BubzRugz) for the idea of using braids etc for the roofs.

Visit here for close ups of the houses.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Final Finishes for December

Mug Rug

This was finished in November but I couldn't post it - Secret Stuff!!

This year in my "Loose Threads" sewing group - for birthday presents we each made one other person a Mug Rug and bought a mug to go with it.

I don't have a photo of the mug rug and mug together - but here is the mug rug.  My person wanted red - and she doesn't drink coffee - but I was able to find a red mug with a tea infuser and made the mug rug to match.

(Sorry - you will have to look sideways...
why does this happen when the picture is displayed 
the right way in Photo Gallery???*&(&^*%$$))

And here is mine - I asked for black & white and it goes really well with my black & white sewing stuff - and look at the gorgeous mug - it's a William Morris one!

Sashiko Christmas Tree

I started this earlier in the year - Sashiko is such an easy project - no preparation is needed - just pick it up and go!!  It wasn't finished in time for Christmas Day, but at least I can hang it next year.


When I was making the hexagons for the GDITC 2015 table topper it seems I made two extra - so I've appliqued them to some felt to use as coasters. 
The blue is really a lot less bright. 

Back to my Holiday To-Do List!  

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas

Just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Image result for Australian Christmas images

I wanted an Australian Christmas image - this one works for me!!

To those who have lost loved ones, or had a bad year otherwise, I wish you peace and comfort in the good memories.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Cushion Swap

Each Christmas my bestie and I swap cushions as Christmas presents. Of course there is much soul searching, internet searching to select just the right one...I often find that a challenge and most years I have made something that reflects a major project I did in that year.

Bestie likes pink, and hearts...and I remembered a foundation piecing pattern I made years ago (it's still a UFO...) of 3 rows of 3 hearts.  So I found it and made it again in pinks...and all from my stash - (guess I like pink too...)

and here is the gorgeous cushion Bestie made for me:

You can see some of cushions from earlier years behind it.
That Bestie girl is very clever.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

FNSI - December

Merry Christmas to everyone

The last FNSI for 2015....
Last month I showed this:

It was a teaser of course!!   So this month I can show you what I was working on:

Firstly - the two fabrics - green & cream - a mini wall hanging for my Secret Santa present for Sunday Stitchers:

The little wooden bead, button and gold ribbon - parts of my 2015 Angel.
Every year I make a new angel for gifting to family and friends - you can see them all here:

The 2015 model is:

The beige felt - Two sewing kits for some buddies: - here is one of them

Pins - and a number bead - I made some numbered pins - Maureen (still no blog!!!)  was going to buy some at the last craft show - until she found out they were about $40.00.  These may not be as pretty but they have TLC built in!!
December's FNSI 
I've had a great day sewing with my bestie so I'm enjoying a FD&NSI.  I am back working on my Nature's Journey quilt - today I added the border of pieced squares and the top row of the applique blocks...We both spent a fair bit of time organising what blocks go where...I am not good at "scrappy" - I like a bit of "organised" chaos...but it's sorted now - two small blocks to re do to make it work for me and I can continue on with it.

I am now on leave from work - we have a company shut down period - this year from 16th December until 4th January.  We only have a small family get together for Christmas, so this period becomes a "get things ready" exercise for the coming year.  I find since I am working 4 days a week - preparation is difficult so by organising things early - I can get some sewing done during the week...especially when TV is full of tennis and other sport.

So a big thankyou to Wendy for hosting and coordinating and present giving for the year.  I may not always get a lot done because by Friday night I'm usually a bit tired....!....but often the incentive ("eek - what will I post about if I don't do anything?" problem) keeps me going to get a bit more done.

And wishing you all a very Merry Christmas - stay safe & happy - and see you back in January for an organised productive year!!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Sunday Stitchers Christmas party

A fabulous end to our sewing year...and my first Christmas party for 2015.

My swap partner was Maree and I made her a mini wall hanging.

I thought I would camouflage the label....

My Swap present came from Noreen....and wow!  Look at all my goodies....a goody goody binding kit....with binding clips, scissors, a Christmas decoration and there was also a Nikki Tervo badge....

a gadget holder

All in lovely French General.  They are gorgeous - thanks so much Noreen.

Then  there were some extra personal gifts - Sandi made each of us a placemat/cutlery roll...and the cutlery is engraved with my name...just lovely and so useful on the day.

Some of the other personal gifts...a fabric bag holding some treats from Noreen, a yo-yo with a crochet edge from Marilyn, a folded star Christmas decoration from Helen, a pincushion on a jar from Teresa and a bucket of lollies and a decoration from Maree.   We were spoilt!!

And on top of all that....some gorgeous food...

We even had some reindeer visiting...(via the kitchens of Helen and De)

A lovely day - it's been a fun year - and we have fun stuff ahead for 2016 too.

And on top of that it was my Birthday weekend - so out for dinner on Friday night and Dinner cooked by DH on Saturday night (his yearly effort!!)

Saturday, November 21, 2015

FNSI - November

I joined 43 other cyber lovelies - probably a lot of whom were doing secret squirrel stuff - like nothing really to show but here are a few bits I was using...

Go figure!!   (All will be revealed by mid December.)
Still lots to finish off for these goodies - hopefully I will be visiting at least a few cyber friends over the weekend.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Friday NIght with Friends - November

Happy Friday Night - quick dinner - watching Better Homes & Gardens and other mindless TV - finishing the binding on this:

It's my project from GDITC 2015- Lynette Anderson - with a change (of course...) - I omitted the stitched panels and used the fabrics from the kit around the centre hexie (which is the fabric from GDITC 2014).

I hope everyone else had a fun Friday night - possibly sewing "secret stuff"...

Sunday, October 25, 2015

John's 70th Quilt

I decided a while back (about 2 years) to make this quilt for DH's 70th Birthday. As I wanted it as a surprise I could only work on it outside the house - so many group days and retreat days were used to make sure I got it done on time...and of course I had to fit it between all those other projects.

Finally it is finished and handed over to John.



The pattern is Truly Aussie designed by Helen Stubbings of Hugs & Kisses.  
There are a few sayings that I don't think I have heard before but they all add to the interest.

Now onto all that Secret Stuff  . . . .

Friday, October 16, 2015

FNSI - October [sort of]

It seems the only time I post is for FNSI or FNWF - and this time I didn't even sign up - I knew there wouldn't  be much sewing time tonight...but I did go through my container of buttons - I need a LOT of buttons for something and fished these out - a restful half an hour or so.

I hope everyone else was happy & productive - thanks to Wendy again for coordinating and hopefully next month will see some "real" sewing.  I'll try to visit a few people but its a busy weekend.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Friday Night With Friends - October

October already??? - eek it will be December soon...very scary.

Over Thursday, Friday & Saturday I made these blocks - they are for some quilts being made for the victims of some recent extreme domestic violence situations in South East Queensland.  Very sad for all involved.

I saw this on Instagram @jackiegillies 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Mrs Pinny Pincushion (September OPAM)

This is the third one of these I have made.... I think Mrs Pinny is quite cute.  Probably not all that useful as a pincushion but cute.

This one was gifted to my friend Maureen for her birthday.

I also made one of these for my friend Inca in March - and didn't blog it then so here she is.
And in February I made this one - it was given away at the Make It, Bake it or Fake it Swap at Nundle this year.

Just need to make one for me now . . . ..will I do her in purple??
It is an Amy Bradley pattern - the same designer who created "Quilt Diva"

Saturday, September 19, 2015

FNSI - September (FNCI)

Thanks for your company - it helped make a boring task a little less boring...

It was Friday Night Cut In for me - I need 400 2" squares for the next section of Nature's Journey.   
I know there are more than 400 here, but I like to have some choice as I go along so I cut about 40 of each blue and 20 of each colour...I'll see how I go - and will probably end up with some sort of leaders and enders project to do as well.

I'm not sure if there will be much sewing time this weekend - a few other things happening that need priority- but hopefully I can get some time to sew all these critters together.

Hope you all had a lovely night sewing - and maybe a little treat as well.

Thanks to Wendy for co-ordinating and hosting...and providing tempting recipes (Apple Cinnamon loaf this month).  Head over here if you want to spend some time admiring other people's work.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Baby Quilt

I made a quick & easy quilt for a work colleague's latest addition to the family. 
He is a big one - 10lb 9 oz

  I found this cute fabric and stitched along the lines and bound it (using Susie's Magic Binding).  Nice & quick.

Apparently I picked a good fabric as the nursery is decorated with all sorts of animals.

Stitchers Dream Day Out

Saturday saw three of us off on a road trip to Highfields for Stitchers Dream Day out.   Our tutors were Bronwyn Hayes and Julie Lovell from Calico Farm Designs.  The usual deal - goody bags containing patterns for 4 projects ...

and the kit for one project ready to go.  I got this one - I think it will become a mug bag or day

I did do some stitching . . in between chatting with Nundle friends, Sunday Stitchers friends, bloggy friends, and new table friends.

We had Show & Tell so I took two Bronwyn Hayes quilts.  Bronwyn is not keen on having her photo we hid behind the quilts.

I also had her sign the labels of each quilt.

This is the 10th year that SDDO has been held so there was a special cake to celebrate.  It was so pretty - shame to cut it really....

Oh, I may have done a little shopping on Saturday...I have been admiring Flower Sugar for a while now - a pack of fat eighths can't hurt too much ....can it???
A long day but a lot of fun.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

FNWF - September

Friday night sewing with cyber friends is a great time and followed by Saturday sewing with real friends just tops it off!

Over Friday night I finished off the quilting lines on this which will become a quilt for a new baby for someone at work.
and I finished sewing the bottom row and some of the side row of squares on this - the centre panel for Nature's Journey.

It's a bit scary that I am supposed to have it all finished INCLUDING the quilting (^%$%^&&!!) by the end of September - sorry Chookyblue - that won't happen - but I'll give it a good try.

For the Sunday Stitchers ladies - I took a picture of Inca's quilt top - it will get a border yet - probably green, but the last row is on.

(I can whip-crack my friends as well as the SAL girls!!!)

Have a lovely weekend everyone
and a special hello to Shez who is celebrating her birthday.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Retreat 2015 Wrap up

Some more pictures of things worked on . . .even though we have Friday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon to sew - its never long enough.
Over the years I have learnt to not take as much...but I am still overly optimistic as to how much I will get done . . . 

I did finish off the last block for my Quilt Fun Christmas quilt and had time to lay it out before I had to pack up.  I'll get it together this week before I go back to work.

I made this bag:

I did a lot of other stuff too but its Secret Stuff so you will need to wait . . .

One of our group who couldn't come last year decided to make up her 2014 Challenge - it was a Mug Bag...and last year we all made a matching  coaster.  This year it was a Thread Catcher ...and a few of us made Owls...Luckily Gail had enough fabric in her pack from last year to make a Thread Catcher to match her Mug Bag...and enough for an Owl...and a pincushion...and a tiny needle book...

She has a small piece left - she had cut one side of her mug bag upside down - its a perfect shape for a...scissor holder...I'll get a picture of that when she is done . . . 

Here is the "Score board"...still quite a few tags on the left but a lot moved over to the right...(the first two columns are the "not done" - the rest were finished)

Every year Belle & Pearl join us - it is the only time they are allowed out - they sit on top of the piano and keep an eye on us ....and watch over the space at night - every year Aunty Maureen makes gives them a present - this year they each received a scarf.
 Here are some other things that were finished over the long weekend:
Erica made a few things for her grand daughter - including this camera.
 Another Sashiko project from Gail
 These are Jan's beautiful hand appliqued blocks 

There were so many more . . . . . .I'll try to be a better photographer next year.

It's only 358 days til the next one . . .  
(time to plot the next Challenge...)