
Friday, October 16, 2015

FNSI - October [sort of]

It seems the only time I post is for FNSI or FNWF - and this time I didn't even sign up - I knew there wouldn't  be much sewing time tonight...but I did go through my container of buttons - I need a LOT of buttons for something and fished these out - a restful half an hour or so.

I hope everyone else was happy & productive - thanks to Wendy again for coordinating and hopefully next month will see some "real" sewing.  I'll try to visit a few people but its a busy weekend.


  1. As you a busy lady I can see why you don't have lots of tiMe to blog . Twice a month is great..
    Looks like an 'interesting project you are working on those buttons....

  2. Engaging with stitching related items counts I say!

  3. Hi Susan ,yes i agree with Michelle,it all counts,hope you have a lovely sunday my friend xx

  4. its fun playing with buttons... I'm intrigued at what you are making with so many of them


  5. Now I'n wondering what you are going to do with those buttons!


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