
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Too much for one Post

But I have to just get it all done...

I was lucky to be invited to join Sandi, Teresa, Helen & Noreen (collectively known  as the Tuesday Girls), Jenny,Noela and De in a retreat at Glenrose.

I've only ever been to the shop before but had heard a lot of stories about the retreats...all good of course...and now I know why.
The cabins are beautifully decorated, little teddies, quilts, lovely knick knacks etc.
The sewing room is well lit and well supplied - love the design walls!!
The company was - of course - a LOT of fun!

Lovely Sandi - Chief Organiser - gave us all a little present to welcome us...including some Oreos - in case we got hungry??? - no way was that happening . . . .the heart wind chime was a gift from Noreen, it has a lovely sound and will go outside when the rain stops . . .or next weekend . . .
 I may have done a bit of shopping . . .It's more than easy to shop at Glenrose...just stroll in and everything you pick goes into a bag - no money changes hands at all . .until the last day...- oops.
We also stopped at Canning Town Patchwork before we left...lovely little shop too.

I went prepared - several projects all kitted up and ready to go and I am pleased to say I got through 4 of my 5 "Must Dos" and went onto some "Could Dos' - because that was more fun...

Here are some of the projects I worked on . . .
#1 - quick to do - a little scrap bucket to match my mug bag for Sunday Stitchers

2014 GDITC - Sewing Folder
#2 Finished my Lynette Anderson GDITC 2014 project - it was a bag but had a personality change during the year . . 

Mrs Pinny Pincushion #1
#3 A pincushion

you'll have to wonder

the right hand three blocks
(from Quilty Fun - I know "everyone" did it last year but. .) 

Sunday 22nd February

Today was a workshop with Natalie Bird - we had a choice of two projects - I selected the ipad cover which had a lovely stitchery and applique and I'm happy that I got through most of the stitching.  Lovely company on my table - apart from someone who kept hiding the chocolates in my bags...such a naughty person...
I'll have to do some pictures later on . . . .

Got to go - too much happening . . .


  1. It is always fabulous to spend time at retreat with your friends..
    You did really well working on sew many projects.

  2. Sounds like a great weekend Susan! Shopping is always necessary at these places. Love your your project had a personality change!

  3. Lots of gorgeous projects on the go

  4. you got lots done...........and a fun time to go with it.........

  5. Sounds like you had a great weekend with lots of fun and got heaps done.

  6. what fun Susan..... I'm sure there was more than a little noise... and great you got lots of sewing done ...

  7. Sounds like a busy time..lots of wonderful things in your photos

  8. You were super busy love your GDITC bag xxx

  9. Love the projects that you worked on at the Glenrose certainly sounds like a wonderful place to be...the shopping method might be a bit 'dangerous'! Like running up a bar

  10. Busy, busy, busy! Good things to be busy with though!

  11. Wow you have been "sew" buzy. They look great. Well done for finishing Lynette Anderson one too!


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